PM587 Week 2 Assignment – The  Sandora Company


Business Finance – Operations Management Week 2 Assignment

Wk 2 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Risk Analysis

Read the  Sandora Company Case Study  (Kerzner, 2022).

You are assigned to replace the existing project manager in charge of the Sandora product line. You understand there are issues with outsourcing manufacturing to overseas suppliers, which have been exasperated by current business and political conditions. Your first assignment is to perform a risk analysis on the existing project based on the enterprise environmental factors identified by the consulting company in the case.

Assume the product cost of goods sold (COGS) is $100, the retail price is $500, and the consumer demand is approximately 1,000 units per day. With full staff and inventory, Sandora can build 1,500 units per day running 3 shifts.

Write a 2- to 3-page risk analysis and remediation/risk reduction plan describing your findings and your plan as you would present it to management stakeholders (C-level, division heads, etc.). Do the following in your risk analysis and remediation plan:

· Summarize the possible risks identified.

· Based on these risks, assess the value and potential impact to the organization.

· Indicate which metrics might be useful in this scenario.

· Provide policy recommendations that would mitigate the impact of these risks, and explain how you would convert these policies into processes.

Assessment Support

Review Domain III and Domain IV in  (PMI) Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) ®  Examination Content Outline and Specifications .


Sandora Company Case Study

Sandora Company Sandora Company, a US-based firm, was struggling to remain profitable. Attempts were made to downsize and cut costs, especially in manufacturing. Unfortunately, they were limited to cost reduction attempts because of required compliance to United States laws related to health, safety, and the environment.

Sandora designed and manufactured the components that went into their products. They were almost 100% vertically integrated. Management believed that they could increase profitability as other companies have done by outsourcing some of the manufacturing work to companies in emerging-market countries with highly qualified lower-salaried human capital that could do the job and Sandora would then focus internally on assembly efforts rather than on manufacturing and assembly.

The company decided which of the components in their products they were willing to outsource and looked for suppliers through worldwide competitive bidding efforts. Several companies in low-income emerging market countries submitted bids. The low-income countries appeared to have less stringent laws related to health, safety, and the environment. This is what Sandora had hoped for to lower manufacturing costs and increase potential profitability.

The criteria that Sandora used for contractor proposal evaluation and acceptance was based heavily upon cost, quality, and schedule. Several companies met Sandora’s evaluation criteria. But Sandora knew that there could still exist enterprise environmental factors unique to certain countries that could have a serious impact after contract award. A multinational consulting company was hired to evaluate the enterprise environmental factors of government impact and influence, political climate, and industry standards in the countries that Sandora might award a contract.

The consulting company identified the following issues with enterprise environmental factors that could impact the ability of the suppliers to perform as Sandora expected:

• Host governments may have the final word in who local companies can select as subcontractors. Contractors hired by Sandora may be forced to hire only subcontractors from within their country. To make matters worse, the contractor chosen may be required to select subcontractors in the cities with the greatest unemployment, regardless of the qualifications of the subcontractors and even if more qualified subcontractors are available elsewhere in the country.

• Local government agencies may act as silent stakeholders but have the final say as to whether any overtime will be allowed. The government may not want overtime to be allowed if it might create a new class of citizens.

• Sandora may have no say in the way that the contractor assigns resources. Also, workers may have the right to “own” a job once hired into a company. Sandora may not be able to get incompetent people removed from working on the contract once they are assigned to their project.

• If the workers believe that they may be laid off once the contract is completed, they may slow the work down significantly to elongate their employment. Sandora may have no input in accelerating the contractor’s schedule.

• In companies in the United States, project problems and issues are most frequently resolved with meetings between the team members and the project sponsor or governance committee. But in other countries, the problems and issues may be elevated to high-ranking government officials who instantaneously become active stakeholders to make sure that the problems and issues are resolved in favor of the host country. When host countries are awarded contracts, the government within the host country sees this as a source of national revenue entering the country and a means of keeping people employed. As such, the government may closely monitor many of these contracts without the company, in this case Sandora, recognizing that this surveillance is taking place.

For use by University of Phoenix only. 

• The maturity level of project management in the contractor’s company may be less than Sandora expects. The contractor may not possess the tools and software needed to report progress as needed by Sandora.

• Senior managers in the host countries may be fearful of project decisions being made between Sandora and the contractor’s project team, and mandate that all customer- contractor communications go through senior management.

Senior management at Sandora now had a critical decision to make regarding the outsourcing of some of their components.

Questions 1. Should the impact of enterprise environmental factors be treated as criteria for contract award? 2. Can Sandora control the enterprise environmental factors after the contract is awarded? 3. Could Sandora require in the contractual statement of work that changes must take place in theenterprise environmental factors? 4. What should Sandora do now?

Sandora Company Case Study Page 3 of 3

Review Of Quantitative Study – What was the research design

Review Of Quantitative Study

  1. What was the research design?
  2. Was the sampling method and size appropriate for the research question? Explain.
  3. What were the dependent and independent (outcome) variables?
  4. Were valid and reliable instruments/surveys used to measure outcomes? Explain.
  5. What were the main results of the study?
  6. Was there statistical significance? Explain.
  7. How would you use the study results in your practice to make a difference in patient outcomes?

Part 1,2,3,4 – Advanced Pharmacology, Theoretical and nursing

The number of words in each paragraph should be similar

Part 1: Advanced Pharmacology

Ms. Jones is 60 years old and obese. She has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and will be started on glyburide. She is very nervous about this diagnosis and concerned that she will need to give herself “shots.”

1. Explain the difference between diabetes mellitus type 1 and type 2.(Two paragraphs)

2. How does glyburide help decrease blood sugar levels? (Two paragraphs)

3. What are the key teaching points for patients taking oral antidiabetic agents? (Two paragraphs)

Part 2: Theoretical and nursing

Discuss the principles of research  (Two paragraphs)

Discuss the principles of evidence-based practice (Two paragraphs)

Discuss how to implement them for advanced practice nurses effectively.(Two paragraphs)

Parts 3 and 4 have the same questions. However, you must answer with references and different writing, always addressing them objectively, as if you were different students. Similar responses in wording or references will not be accepted.

Part 3: Facilitative Communication and Helping Skills

Topic: Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Theories

1. What are some of the behavioral interventions that you can see yourself applying to your personal (One paragraph)life? 

a. What specific behavioral techniques do you most want to incorporate into your counseling practice? 

2. In most CBT models, the therapist functions in many ways as a teacher.  

a. How does a psychoeducational model fit with your way of practicing counseling? (One paragraph)

3. Cognitive-behavioral therapies are among the most popular with today’s practitioners. 

a. What do you think accounts for the increased interest in CBT? (One paragraph)

Part 4: Facilitative Communication and Helping Skills

Topic: Behavioral and Cognitive Behavioral Theories

1. What are some of the behavioral interventions that you can see yourself applying to your personal life? (One paragraph)

a. What specific behavioral techniques do you most want to incorporate into your counseling practice?

2. In most CBT models, the therapist functions in many ways as a teacher.  

a. How does a psychoeducational model fit with your way of practicing counseling? (One paragraph)

3. Cognitive-behavioral therapies are among the most popular with today’s practitioners. 

a. What do you think accounts for the increased interest in CBT? (One paragraph)

A Separation (2011) – A Separation  is a 2011 Iranian drama

Art of science and negotiation class

Movie: A Separation (2011)

· A Separation  is a 2011 Iranian drama film written and directed by Asghar Farhadi 

· Please answer the questions (all parts) and remember to compare and contrast the two families for the questions on economic, religious, etc.. your grade will depend on the totality and quality of your answers so please be thoughtful. You may need to watch the movie more than once since there are subtitles- in order to understand some of the situations more thoroughly.

· Remember this is an individual assignment. You will be graded based on the effort and completeness of your responses. Remember to answer all parts of the questions. Take your time and think about the differences within the same culture that impact the outcome.

1) Why does Simin decide to sue Nadar for divorce? What drove her to take this action? (What approach to the situation did she take and why)

2) How does  religion, gender, education, generation, and economic class play a role in “A Separation”? You must answer for each category . Please compare and contrast the characters and how they differ in the categories. Simin/Nadar Hojat/Razieh

3) Why does Nadar hold back from granting permission for Simin and their daughter to leave the country? What were his positions? His interests?

4) What role does Miss Gharaii (the tutor) have in the cultural differences? Does her willingness to help Nadar put him in a better position to defend his actions? What happens when she changes her mind?

5) How does honesty impact the legal battles when no one person is in possession of all the fact?

6) How would you manage the untangling of all the facts and keep the decision within the letter of the law? (In a place where the law is based directly on the religion)

7) Is the law adequate to deal with human emotions? (Is any set of laws?)

8) Who do you think Termeh chooses in the end- her mother or her father? Why?

Week 2 Discussion – The performance of one of your top employees

 Week 2 DiscussionCOLLAPSE

Difficult Conversations

Scenario: The performance of one of your top employees has recently begun to slip. You had a conversation with the employee to address it, and there was some improvement for a while, but performance slipped again. You do not want to terminate this employee because you know the value of their work, and you trust and respect them. However, other team members are starting to notice and are expressing their frustrations.

You schedule a follow-up meeting with the employee.

Part One: Leveraging what you have learned from the course materials for this week, briefly outline your goals for the meeting and explain your strategy for achieving these goals. In your response, address the following questions:

  • What will you do to make your objectives clear and candid during the conversation?
  • How will you manage your emotion during the conversation while still maintaining empathy and trust with the employee?
  • What techniques will you employ to strengthen your working relationship with this employee, and why would you choose these techniques?
  • How will you work with the employee to develop an agreed-upon performance improvement plan?

Part Two: Write a dialogue illustrating the conversation between you and this employee that demonstrates your use of the strategies you have chosen. Ensure your dialog aligns with your strategies and objectives for the meeting.