Journal 3 – Passion and Professional Networks

Journal 3

written in APA style format using at least 150-200 words per journal.   

Passion and Professional Networks

  • Are there any professional networks, or nursing organizations that you are interested in joining? List at least two and explain what they are.
  • What support do you anticipate needing as a newly licensed nurse?

Journal 4 – Lifelong Learning and Professional Employment

Journal 4

written in APA style format using at least 150-200 words per journal.   

Lifelong Learning and Professional Employment 

  • What is your plan for lifelong learning?
  • Do you have any interests in pursuing an advanced degree, certification in a specialty, or leadership role? How and where do you get them? 
  • What stands out to you about the position you are interested in? Why does it interest you?

Discussion – Real-World Context, Exponential Growth Of A Population

Discussion Real-World Context: Exponential Growth Of A Population

Our mission this week is to see the different applications of  calculus in action.  We will research and make connections to calculus  in Engineering through any of the methods applied during the term. 

Share an engineering (or other) application of differential  equations.  Identify the differential equation in math notation, an  image of a graph, or in a clear explanation in the context of the application.  You  do not need to explain the entire topic, only identify the differential  equation within this application and tell us some of what it  accomplishes here. 


Must reference two source, listed in APA format 

Provide suggestions about how they might improve or narrow

address the following:

  • Provide suggestions about how they might improve or narrow their topics.
  • Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.


For my topic I decided to go with something that means a lot to me. I  am a mother and I love children. I was a nanny for several years and I  helped raise my little brother in my teen years.

Topic: Should Parents Co-Sleep?

When parents first become parents they are told to not co-sleep with  their baby. I did a little of both while I understood why they didn’t  want parents to co-sleep, some nights it is hard not to do so. As you  begin mothering a newborn baby there is a lot of things that come in to  consideration about their sleep. How many times during the night does  your baby wake up? How many times do they eat? Do they sleep comfortably  alone? Can mother actually get sleep with baby not close? Is the only  way baby will sleep is next to you? Does baby like to be swaddled? Does  baby not like to sleep close? Does baby sleep through the night? Some  people believe that co-sleeping is dangerous, some people grew up  sleeping with their parents so they do it as well. While most nights I  tried to have my daughter sleep separate there was some nights I woke up  to feed her and I was to tired to put her back in her bassinet. I would  just have her fall asleep beside me in my arm. Even though I heard all  the horror stories I still had some nights where staying awake was hard  to even feed her, change her, and burp her. I was the only one waking up  with her.

So my questions are:

What are the benefits of co-sleeping?

What are the disadvantages?

Why is it so controversial?

Did your parents co-sleep or do the cry it out method?

What are your opinions on sleeping with a baby?

Should parents be judged harshly if they do co-sleep?

If a parent were to co-sleep, what age should they try and stop?

I hope this peaks everyone’s interests I would love to hear everyone’s opinion!

Should people make Meditation a habit

Discussion Reply: Provide Additional Questions They Might Want To Research And Additional Ideas For Sources That Would Be Useful.

  • Provide suggestions about how they might improve or narrow their topics.
  • Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.



I am trying to find a good argumentative  topic. However, I decided to use Meditation, because I recently started  using it. If it is not a good topic, I can adjust and change it. Writing  has always been my weakness, and I’m willing to learn and always have  room for improvement. I really appreciate any feedback. 


Should people make Meditation a habit?

To find peace in life, we must find what disrupts our equilibrium.  Meditation can be part of our daily lives and help us find life’s  meaning. The meaning of life or the purpose of life is to explore all  the possibilities of ourselves, be conscious, and become more aware of  existence. (Sadhguru, 2021)

  1. Where does Meditation start?
  2. What are the benefits of Meditation?
  3. Is Meditation can be a part of our lives? Or a waste of time?
  4. Are there better ways to protect our mental and spiritual health rather than Meditation?
  5. Can Meditation set us up for success?


The importance of meditation. Official Website of Sadhguru, Isha Foundation. (2023, January 2). Retrieved March 2, 2023, from 

 Links to an external site.

About Sadhguru : Spiritual guru and author – meaning of life. Good Question. (2022, November 24). Retrieved March 2, 2023, from 

 Links to an external site.