TCHR2003 – Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education

TCHR2003: Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education

Assessment Task 1: Critical review

March 2023 

Length: 2000 words

Referencing: APA 7th

Submission: Via the Turnitin link on the Assessment and Submission section on the unit site.

Write a critical response to the following three points to demonstrate a good working knowledge and understanding of early childhood education curriculum, frameworks, and concepts.


1. Define what curriculum is in early childhood education and provide a rationale for your statement using unit content to support your discussion. (250 words).

2. Discuss how educators use children’s play to plan and implement curriculum in early childhood education settings. Justify your response by using theory, NQS, EYLF, references and provide examples to support your discussion. (750 words).

3. Observe the teacher and children’s interactions during an early childhood activity in the video provided in the Assessment 1 folder.

a) Discuss the EYLF Practices and Principles and NQS QA the educator is using to promote children’s learning.

b) Identify EYLF Learning Outcomes the children are learning. Describe examples of what you see in the video that demonstrates the EYLF Learning Outcomes.

c) Identify 3 Learning Areas (Australian Curriculum) this activity may be covering and describe an example from the video, for each of your selected Learning Areas. (1000 words).


As an Early Childhood educator, it is important that you have a good working knowledge of

Early Childhood curriculum framework and be able to justify how educators use play to plan and implement curriculum for children in early childhood settings.



NQS QA= National Quality Standard Quality Area

EYLF = Early Years Learning Framework

ACARA = Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and reporting Authority

Week 2 Discussion – Why do you think there are so many similarities

Wk 2 Discussion

Why do you think there are so many similarities in the themes of various creation myths? 

Why, for example, are there so many flood myths? 

What do these myths teach us about the cultures that created them? Refer to at least one creation myth with a few descriptive details to support your answer. Avoid the Bible/Genesis story. Select a creation story that’s new for you . . . something that you found interesting. 

Week 3 Discussion – How do myths reflect and influence the way

Wk 3 Discussion

This Learning Activity found in Week Three CONTENT is particularly helpful: Gods and Goddesses

  • Part 1: How do myths reflect and influence the way cultures view the ideals for men and women? Do they represent good ideals? Bad? What might it say about a culture if one of the genders is missing from a myth?Are gender relations and power structures in myths the same among mortals as they are among the gods? Use examples from this week’s readings for your response.
  • Part 2: Select a god or goddess from this week’s reading who you would choose as a role model for yourself or for your children. Base your selection on who you believe would be an excellent role model for women or men or both. Explain your choice.

Week 4 Discussion – Are heroes and villains mutually exclusive roles

Wk 4 Discussion

  • Part 1: Are heroes and villains mutually exclusive roles or can a hero commit a villainous act and can a villain act heroically? Give examples referring to one contemporary (roughly from our time) movie or book, such as The Avengers, Lord of the Rings, Black Panther, Lion King, Thor, Spiderman, Wonder Woman.
  • Part 2: Provide an example of an archetype using the same film or book to which you referred for the above question. Try searching the words “archetype” combined with the name of the film or book of your choice.
  • Example: 
  • Film: Batman 
  • Archetype: Robin as the “Sidekick” archetype.
  • Example: Film: Hunger Games
  • Archetype: Peeta as the “Love Interest” archetype