MGT5430 Course Project Phase 2

MGT5430 Organizational Behavior)

Course Project Phase II

MGT5430 Organizational Behavior

Meng and Berger (2019) define organizational culture as the values, beliefs, norms, and practices that exist within an organization and are shared by its employees. Having shared values influences the behavior of the organizational employees because they rely on those values for guidance on decision-making and behavior which consequently impacts the organization’s effectiveness (Meng and Berger, 2019). A positive corporate culture can contribute to increased employee performance and productivity. However, in the retail e-commerce organization discussed in this paper, it has been observed that the current organizational culture negatively impacts employee performance and productivity. This paper aims to describe and analyze the organizational culture problem and recommend a plan for change and intervention.

Needs Assessment Analysis:

In order to determine the most effective intervention to address the organizational problem, it is necessary to conduct a needs assessment. Needs assessment involves a combination of the following methods:

1. Direct observation: Direct observation of the workplace will provide valuable insights into the organizational culture and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

2. Questionnaires: Surveying employees about their perceptions and experiences with the organizational culture can provide valuable information about the attitudes and experiences of the workforce.

3. Consultation with key personnel: Talking to individuals in key positions or those with specific knowledge of the organization can provide valuable information about the organizational culture and any challenges that need to be addressed.

4. Literature review: A review of relevant literature on organizational culture and its impact on employee performance and productivity can provide useful information about best practices and interventions that have been successful in other organizations.

5. Interviews: Interviewing employees and managers can provide additional information about the organizational culture and the workforce’s attitudes.

6. Focus groups: Holding focus groups with employees can allow employees to discuss their experiences with the organizational culture and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

7. Assessments/surveys: Administering assessments and surveys to employees can provide additional information about their experiences with the organizational culture and their perceptions of the workplace.

8. Records and report studies: Reviewing records and reports of the organization can provide additional information about the organizational culture and any challenges that need to be addressed.

Proposed Organizational Development Interventions/Plan:

According to Maamari and Saheb (2018), organizational culture is important in breeding commitment and enhancing performance. However, based on the information gathered through the needs assessment, the following organizational development intervention plan will be proposed to improve the corporate culture in the retail company:

Goals and Objectives: The intervention aims to create a positive organizational culture that will enhance employee performance and productivity. The two goals can be achieved through a range of strategies, including:

1. Employee engagement and empowerment: Encouraging employees to participate in decision-making processes and giving them a sense of ownership in the organization can help to improve morale and foster a positive work environment. Most organizational leadership, such as Transformational leadership, ensure that employees can feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect from their leaders (Maamari and Saheb (2018).

2. Communication and transparency: Open and effective communication between management and employees is critical in creating a positive organizational culture. Such effectiveness can be achieved through regular staff meetings, employee surveys, and open forums where employees can voice their concerns and ideas.

3. Recognition and rewards: According to Donaldson and Donaldson (2019), this is an employee gratitude intervention mechanism where internal intentional activities are created to increase gratitude in the workplace Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements can help to boost morale and improve employee satisfaction. The intervention can be done through employee-of-the-month programs, performance-based bonuses, and public recognition ceremonies.

4. Training and development: Providing employees with training and development opportunities can help enhance their skills and knowledge, improving performance and productivity.

5. Collaborative teamwork: Encouraging teamwork and collaboration among employees can help to foster a positive work environment and improve employee morale. Teamwork can be achieved through team-building activities and regular team meetings.

Assumptions and Constraints: It is assumed that the intervention will be successful if implemented in a systematic and well-planned manner. According to Saad & Abbas (2018), a combination of the right and strong organizational culture helps firms solve most of the issues, adapt to new managerial styles and reach the expected performance levels However, several constraints may impact the success of the intervention, including:

1. Resistance to change: Employees may be resistant to change and may be resistant to the proposed intervention. According to Fernandez and Rainey (2017), employees within an organization resist any intervention for change for different reasons.

2. Time constraints: The intervention may require significant time and resources to implement, and there may be limited time to dedicate to the project.

3. Budget constraints: The intervention may require significant financial resources, and limited funds may be available for the project (Fernandez and Rainey, 2017).

Required Resources:

In order to implement the proposed organizational development intervention, the following resources will be required:

a) Training and development resources to support the development of a shared understanding of the organizational culture.

b) Financial resources to support the implementation of practices and programs that support a positive organizational culture.

c) Human resources to support the implementation and maintenance of the intervention.

In phase III, the proposed intervention plan will be evaluated through a range of methods, including employee surveys, performance metrics, and regular check-ins with key personnel. The objective of this evaluation will be to assess the effectiveness of the intervention and to identify any areas that require further improvement.

In conclusion, the proposed organizational behavior intervention aims to create a positive corporate culture that improves employee performance and productivity. The organization can achieve its goals and improve morale and overall performance by conducting a thorough needs assessment analysis and developing a comprehensive intervention plan that includes employee engagement and empowerment, effective communication, recognition and rewards, training and development, and collaborative teamwork.

Family – Marriage in the 21st Century


Instructions You have the choice between 2 different projects. Please read ALL of the instructions carefully and pick 1 Assignment:

Marriage in the 21st Century

This assignment will help you gain a better understanding of the institution of marriage and its significance today. Marriage is something that every society has. As you are learning, marriage has its advantages and also its challenges. The concept of marriage continually changes as our society changes.

Your paper will need to cover what you have learned about marriage in the 21st century. Please clearly cover:

1. How marriage rates have changed and why.

2. The difficulties associated with transitioning into married life.

3. The challenges of marriage in our society today.

4. The privileges/benefits of marriage.

5. How choices have changed when it comes to the type of marriages that couples might enter into.

6. How changes in the ethnic makeup of our society has affected marriages (i.e. interracial, interfaith marriages)

7. Challenges and privileges you have experienced/or anticipate in the future in reference to your marriage. If you are not married you can discuss the marriage of your parents or others close to you. Please do not share any information that you feel is too personal (If you aren’t comfortable discussing your own situation you can discuss the marriage of someone you know.).

8. Anything else that you have learned from this assignment and a conclusion.

Your paper should be written in APA format with factual information to support your thoughts and ideas (the lesson material should be your main source and at least 1 other academic source). You need at least a 3-page paper in a Word doc. This does not include your title page or your reference page. Your paper will automatically be submitted to You and your instructor will receive the results. The rubric (below) is what I’ll use to grade your paper:

Community Educator

Throughout the term you’ve learned about the different issues families struggle with on a daily basis. Quite often, people struggle with issues simply because they don’t know where to turn for help. Imagine you had the opportunity to be a community educator. If you could go into your community and help families by educating them, what topic would you focus on? What resources would you give them?

For this project you will pick one issue that was covered in the lesson material, (teenage pregnancy, dating, marriage, becoming parents, working parents, single parents, divorce, family violence, aging, retirement, etc.), and develop an informational PowerPoint Presentation about it. Your presentation should cover the following:

Start your presentation with a brief introduction by telling your audience who you are and what you’re going to be talking about.

Give the audience some information about the issue (who is affected and how, important facts/statistics about the issue, laws/policy that relate to the issue, etc.)

Find 3 intervention/support programs for that issue in your community. Provide the audience with a brief summary of each program (name of program, services they provide, cost, and how clients access those services).

Wrap up your presentation with any other information you’d like to include and provide a summary for your audience.

On the last slide, provide a summary for your instructor. What did you learn from this assignment? Did anything surprise you? Was it difficult for you to find resources in your community for the issue you picked? Any other information you’d like to share.




How does Walmart leverage their value chain

Business Finance – Operations Management LOGISTICS ASSIGNMENT

Provide ONE 2-3 page paper addressing both of the following topics. 

·  How does Walmart leverage their value chain and innovation cycles from conceptualization, technical feasibility, design specification, materials sourcing and product marketing, and implementation? How does Walmart gain strength in their distribution, warehousing, and inventory management while taking into consideration the economic impact? (LG450).

·  Does Walmart have International carrier operations and/or sourcing strategies for import, export and distribution of materials and finished goods? Where are Walmart’s Facility locations…and why? What are Walmart’s stakeholder roles in supply chain management? (LG460).

The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:

·  Write between 500 – 600 words 

What does Lean mean for healthcare

-What does Lean mean for healthcare? Describe the methodology, evaluate its use in other industries, and discuss how it can be applied in healthcare.

-How can the Six Sigma methodology be implemented in healthcare? How might this implementation enhance value?

-What infrastructure is needed to help establish Lean and Six Sigma methodologies in healthcare organizations?

-What kinds of leadership and cultural beliefs are necessary to ensure the pursuit of process improvement and quality improvement in healthcare?

-Discuss the role of performance improvement and quality improvement departments in enhancing the delivery of value in healthcare.

Discussion – Managing Supplier Information in a Dynamic Environment

Discussion 150 WORDS

Read ( Minter, S. (2009). Managing Supplier Information in a Dynamic Environment. Industry Week/IW, 258(10), 22.), and answer the following questions: 

  1. In the article it mentions that buyers and suppliers need more insight into trade compliance. What examples can you give that illustrate the benefits and/or challenges with having or not having this insight?
  2. Information systems can also help companies deal with concerns about risk in the supply chain. Outsourcing processes and logistics can offer great financial benefit; however, control of information needed to manage the process is a major concern. Discuss some of these challenges and the solutions that a company might need to implement to resolve them.