Week 11 Discussion – How have the strategies you’ve learned

Week 11 Discussion Board

  • How have the strategies you’ve learned throughout this course helped you begin mastering your career confidence? 
  • Describe how you plan to use what you’ve learned to build, apply, maintain, and/or project your confidence in the workplace.
  • What advice would you give another student regarding their plan to harness the power of their confidence at work?

Airport Planning and Management


Find an article (academic source preferred) concerning learning objective #1 for week two – “Learn the various acts of legislation that have influenced the development and operation of airports since the early days of aviation.” Please ensure you follow the directions below. Contact me if you have questions. T 

Homework Assignments/Articles Review:

Homework-assigned articles reviews will be graded on the following criteria:

It is recommended that articles come from a current event topic related to Airport Planning and Management. Examples include Airport Security, Airfield Operations, Aircraft Accidents, ARFF, and/or Noise Compatibility. Other topics covered in the text may apply (must coordinate with the professor before using something outside the issues mentioned).

Remember that an article analysis is NOT a summary of the article.

1. Identify the author’s thesis

2. Discuss the facts in the article that support the author’s thesis. In addition, discuss how the article’s points relate to the course content. If you include facts from the article, I should see some paraphrasing with in-text citations. Use APA for in-text citations. Are there resources with the article? Are they current?

3. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article as it relates to the profession? Is there evidence of bias or faulty reasoning? In this section, you will need to bring in outside sources to either support the “truth” found in the article or “faulty reasoning.” What are others saying about this topic? Is there conflicting information out there?

4. Conclusions – concluding remarks regarding your review/analysis of the article.

The article review should be 2-3 pages long (not counting the Cover Page and Reference List) and include at least 3 References (original article and support of review).

BIOL495 Assignment 1 – Futuring analysis in the life sciences

BIOL495 Assignment 1 


Addresses Course Outcomes 1, 2, 3, and 4:

• Interpret and critically analyze primary scientific literature to assess the validity and reliability of scientific results and evaluate the conclusions drawn from these data

• Demonstrate proficiency in scientific principles, techniques, and applications in the life sciences to evaluate experimental design and determine compliance with standards of protocol and ethical practice

• Effectively communicate scientific principles, concepts, methods, and research findings based on critical analysis of primary literature, industry reports, and other life sciences resources

• Pose vital and relevant scientific questions to identify problems, challenges, and opportunities for the development of innovative products and services in the life sciences

To remain relevant within the life sciences, you must be a visionary. Whether you are motivated by discovery research, finding cures, furthering biotechnology, introducing new medicines, or some other aspect of the life sciences, you will want to assess whether your ideas and plans have a place both now and in the future. The basis for the observations (the first step in the scientific method) that lead to the innovation is often gleaned from primary scientific literature. In this assignment, you will develop and exercise your visionary skills, first by tracing the scientific method through an assigned primary scientific article.

You will then apply two futuring techniques to the innovation – the development of a new research technique, project, product, or service – you propose based on the primary scientific article.

Pre-Futuring Analysis

1. Read primary article A.

2. Read the supplemental material provided for Futuring Analyses.


As the CEO of your company, you have just read primary article A. Now you are tasked with determining the future direction of your company by exploring possible innovations based on some aspect of the article.

After reading the resources for futuring analysis, please follow the guidelines for completing the futuring analysis based on your innovative idea in the life sciences. The Futuring Analysis must include all criteria as specified below. Deviations or missing elements will result in point deductions.

The Futuring Analysis

I. Futuring Analysis Format (8 points)

A. Paper title page – name, instructor, title, due date (2)

B. Sections of paper labeled properly – see A-D below (1)

C. Type double-spaced, 11-point, Times New Roman font paper with 1-inch margins (2)

D. 3-4 pages (not including title page and reference page) (3)

II. Futuring Analysis Content (70 points)

A. Introduction of the company – (you will use this company for the remaining assignments) (8)

1. Share the type of company you head as CEO (manufacturing, medical, agricultural, environmental, pharmaceutical, etc.) (2)

2. Share the name of your company, its location, and its employee base (3)

3. Share your company’s motto or mantra (3)

B. Introduction of the innovation (22 points)

1. Trace the scientific method (12) – briefly identify the observations, question, hypothesis, experiment, results, and conclusion of primary article A

2. Eureka! moment (5) – In 3-4 sentences, describe an aspect of primary article A (introduction, materials, methods, results, discussion, or conclusion) that stood out to you which you believe could lead to an innovative technique, project, product, or service in the life sciences for your company. In other words, what piqued your interest?

3. Innovation (5) – Based on the Eureka! moment you have described, fully explain the innovative technique, service, product, or research you have conceived. The innovation must be a technique, project, product, or service that you conceived on your own – not one already presented in primary article A.

C. Futuring techniques described (15 points)

1. Provide a general overview of futuring analysis (5)

2. Choose two futuring analysis techniques best suited for your innovative idea

a. Describe how each chosen futuring analysis technique is performed (5)

b. Explain the significance of each chosen futuring analysis in determining the

future of products and services in the life sciences. (5)

D. Futuring techniques applied (20 points)

1. Research the application of each futuring technique to your innovation

2. Present the results from applying each of your two chosen futuring analysis techniques

to your innovative idea in the chart below (10 each)

3. Results must be presented in the table format below:

Futuring Technique 1

(Insert name of technique)

Futuring Technique 2

(Insert name of technique)




(3-5 results

for each)

• Result of futuring 1

• Result of futuring 1

• Result of futuring 1

• Result of futuring 1

• Result of futuring 1

• Result of futuring 2

• Result of futuring 2

• Result of futuring 2

• Result of futuring 2

• Result of futuring 2

E. Conclusion (5 points) – Based on the results of both futuring techniques, explain in detail

whether you think your potential innovation is a worthy investment of time and resources.

III. Paper References (20 points) No references = zero for this assignment

A. Use at least 5 credible references (10) DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA

B. In-text references in APA format (5) (All references should be cited throughout the paper)

C. End references in APA-format (5)

IV. Paper Grammar (5 points)

Correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence construction, and paragraph construction will be considered in the grading of this assignment.

V. Paper Submission (13 points) Submit Word documents ONLY – PDF files will not be graded

A. Save your Word file as: First and Last name – Futuring (e.g., Sharon Brown – Futuring) (3)

B. Turnitin score (10)


Innovation in 5 Minutes

Short Practical Steps to Developing an Innovator’s DNA (Slide Presentation):

What is Creativity and Innovation?

Use the resources listed below to help you choose a specific area of interest for the opportunities section of the assignment:

Career Trends




Service Trends





Technology Trends



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptqPJGTsIoM Future Technologies That Will Change the World


http://aami-bit.org/loi/bmit OR https://www.mhealthevidence.org/journaltitle/biomedical-instrumentation-technology-association-advancement-medicalinstrumentation

http://www.unboundmedicine.com/medline/journal/Biomedical_instrumentation technology


Another resource to use on the different futuring analysis techniques:


History – Why were Americans of Japanese ancestry


American Yawp Chapter 24  
Why were Americans of Japanese ancestry incarcerated during the war?

  • What factors were at play during the interim between the attack on Pearl Harbor in December and the decision to issue Executive Order 9066 the following February?
  • How would you characterize the nature of confinement of Japanese Americans in the camps?
  • How does the military service of Japanese Americans during the war complicate the history of the Internment?
  • What are the overall implications of the Internment on American civil liberties?

American Yawp Chapter 25-26  

  • According to the document, what factors have altered the heretofore historic distribution of power?
  • What major issues does the United States face at this point in the Cold War?
  • What course(s) of action for the United States does this document recommend?
  • How does this document represent the militarization of the policy of containment?