CIS213 Unit 5 Discussion – Why estimating time and cost

CIS 213 DB 5

Using a project that you have experience with, that of a family member or friend, or one from your own research to clarify your answers, discuss:

  • Why estimating time and cost is important to the project.
  • What you think is difficult about estimating the project times.
  • What you think is difficult about estimating the project costs. Explain why you think this is difficult.

Cite all sources. Additionally, please respond to two other classmates’ posts. 

CIS222 Unit 5 Discussion – Protection Manager

CIS 222 DB 5

Unit 5 DB: Protection Manager

You have decided that the complexity of the corporate network facility and satellite offices warrants the hiring of a dedicated physical security and facilities protection manager. You are preparing to write the job requisition to get this critical function addressed and have solicited some ideas from the PCS working group members regarding physical and environmental security risks.Discuss the operational security functions that the physical security and facilities protection manager would be responsible for. Discuss how these functions would inform the development and implementation of system related incident response plans. Further discuss how these incident response plans fit into business continuity planning. Include at least one research reference and associated in-text citation using APA standards. In your replies to your peers further discuss how the concepts improve the security posture of PCS. 

CIS213 Unit 6 Discussion – It is so important to have good

CIS 213 DB6

It is so important to have good communication with a project’s stakeholders.

  • What happens if the project manager and team maintain clear current communication with the key stakeholders?
  • What can happen if the project manager and team have poor and sparse communication with the key stakeholders?

Use project examples from personal experience or research to justify your responses. Cite all sources. Additionally, please respond to two other classmates’ posts. 

CIS222 Unit 6 Discussion – Some of the security controls

CIS 222 DB6

Some of the security controls that were selected during Phase 2 of RMF included data encryption. There was some confusion in the working group meeting this week regarding the need for multiple encryption solutions in the implementation and assessment phases (3&4).

Consider the difference between data at rest (storage) encryption and data in transit (transmission) encryption. Describe a possible implementation solution for each of these cases and explain if it falls within the symmetric or asymmetric model. Provide an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solution options. Include at least one research reference and associated in-text citation using APA standards. In your replies to your peers further discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the various technologies.

CIS222 Unit 7 Discussion – Network Risks

DB 7 CIS 222

Unit 7 DB: Network Risks

Last week’s working group meeting on encryption has carried over to discussions on securing the network connections between the PCS corporate office and satellite offices.
Consider the network risks that may be discovered during the assessment phase of RMF. Assessments can be time consuming. Propose an automated tool that may be used to identify some of these risks. Additionally, discuss some of the devices that can add security protection for the network links between the corporate and satellite offices. Include at least one research reference and associated in-text citation using APA standards. In your replies to your peers further discussing the importance of network security devices.