CIS222 Unit 4 Assignment

Unit 4 Individual Assignment for CIS222: Fundamentals of Security

Unit 4 Individual Assignment

The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) made some complaints to the CEO regarding recent capital expenditures for security software. You try to lighten the blow by explaining the value of controlling security.

In a point paper to the CEO, explain the cost benefit analysis method you use to do a quantitative assessment before investing in a security control.

Complete and include the table below in your paper.

Historical PCS incidents

Cost per Incident

Frequency of Occurrence




Theft of information (hacker)


1 every 5 years



Theft of information (employee)


1 every 2 years



Web defacement


1 per month



Theft of equipment


1 per year



Virus, worms, Trojan horses





Denial-of-service attacks





You are currently deciding whether to invest in data loss prevention software. You have some reliable statistics that the software will reduce your information theft incidents by half of the current values. The cost of the software is $100K per year. Recalculate the new ARO and ALE for hacker and employee information theft. Based on these new values, explain your decision whether or not to invest in the Data Loss Prevention Software.

Projected PCS incidents with Data Theft Prevention Software

Cost per Incident

Frequency of Occurrence




Theft of information (hacker)


1 every 5 years


Theft of information (employee)


1 every 2 years


The requirements for your assignment are:

· 2-3 page APA paper excluding title and reference pages

· Provide at least two references and in-text citations in APA format

· College level writing

Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.

CIS213 Unit 4 Discussion – Work vs Product Breakdown

CIS 213 DB 4

Unit 4 Discussion: Work vs Product Breakdown

Compare and contrast the use of a Work Breakdown Structure versus a Product Breakdown Structure. Use an example of a business IT project you know of or have researched to clearly illustrate your points and understanding of these two breakdown structures. Additionally, please respond to two other classmates’ posts. 

CIS340 Unit 6 – Free Speech and Censorship on Social Media

Unit 6 Journal Assignment – Free Speech and Censorship on Social Media

CIS340: Computer Ethics


Throughout the term, you will keep a journal that you will add to every other week by reflecting on questions or scenarios that pertain to that week’s topic(s). Although not required, to ensure comprehension of each week’s material, you should first review the self-assessment questions in the textbook at the end of the assigned chapter(s). These questions relate to the journal topic and can help you formulate your thoughts and writing. This week, you will compose a journal entry reflecting on your experiences and how it has influenced your thinking on the following questions/scenarios: Discuss the proliferation of social media and the positive and negative effects it has had on free speech and the ability to both express and monitor ideas. Specifically: Social Media companies such as Twitter and Facebook have been in the news and before Congress recently, indicating how influential they have become in our public discourse and our ability to express and spread ideas. Recent decisions to ban users, including former President Trump, and to block or add disclaimers to certain stories, have raised questions about social media’s power and influence. This has led to questions regarding the applicability of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), how to address misinformation, and the potential risks, consequences, and ethics of stifling certain speech. Answer the following questions as you develop your thoughts and compose a journal entry on the topic:

• How has social media changed the way we interact, express ideas, and engage in debate?

• Recall in your readings this week that Section 230 of the CDA protects social media companies from legal liability that might result from what others say on their platforms. Noting that, what responsibility do tech companies have to encourage the free flow of ideas versus monitoring speech and taking steps to discourage harassment, violence, and other forms of potentially harmful speech?

• As private companies, Twitter, Facebook, and others are not bound by the U.S. Constitution, so their decisions to monitor and censor speech may be legal, but are they ethical? Should companies be required to honor constitutional rights?

• What are your thoughts on what some people refer to as “cancel culture” (i.e., individual and coordinated efforts to encourage boycotts, call for people to be fired from jobs, have students expelled from college, etc.) simply for expressing an unpopular opinion?

Week 5 Assignment – Chapter 10 In-Depth Activity

Week 5 Assignment – Chapter 10 In-Depth Activity

Complete the In-Depth Activity at the end of Chapter 10 (page 384 in the VitalSource book). For your submission: 

  • Create a Word document.
  • Copy each of the five questions from the end of the activity into  your document and write your response to each question below it.
  • Show in your responses that you understand the subject matter.

Note: Chapter 10, In-Depth Activity, page 384 has a typo. The link does not work. It should say  In addition, if when accessing www. you receive a  warning message about the security of the website, it is safe for you to  proceed to the website. You will not be asked for any personal or  financial information. 

In-Depth Activity

Go to, and select the test “What is your privacy profile?” This test has been designed to tell you what you think about data privacy and how different you are compared to what others think about this topic. It should take about 10–15 minutes to complete. At the end of the test, it will provide you with your results and classify you in terms of whether you are not concerned, somewhat concerned, or very concerned.

1.Do you consider this to be an accurate reflection of how you view privacy?

2.Did you think the video shown was effective at raising potential problems of what data is collected  in a smart building? If not, what other scenario could be used in a video to ask people to consider privacy concerns?

3.What impact do you think the context chosen for the scenario might have on your reactions? For example, if the scenario involved a doctor’s surgery, might you have reacted differently and if so, why?

4.What do you think of as a platform for conducting large-scale online experiments from volunteers?

5. Did you find any other information on the website interesting?

CIS340 Unit 5 Assignment – Ethics in Technology


Unit 5 Assignment: Ethics in Technology


This is the third assignment related to your course project. Remember, the final project will be completed over the course of the term as four summative assignments, consisting of 1) topic selection with optional peer review, 2) a preliminary research assignment including a clear thesis statement and focusing on the first stage of the course, 3) further development of your thesis, evidence, and counterarguments to include elements of the second stage of the course, and 4) final submission of your course project in your chosen format. This week, you focus on conducting additional research, further developing your selected topic and argumentative analysis, and relating it to the second stage of this course (i.e., ethics and morality in a technology-specific context). Unlike your previous project assignments, you will not be required to submit a paper, unless that is your chosen format. In this assignment, you will submit your work in the format you have chosen for your final project. Again, you will have the opportunity to share it with your classmates for peer review. INSTRUCTIONS In this assignment you will expand upon your work up to this point. Thus far, you have constructed a problem statement utilizing the five-step decision-making process, identified the ethical, moral, and/or legal implications of the topic you selected, begun to develop arguments for and against your declared thesis statement, and developed an outline for your project. Now you will begin to incorporate the technology-related computer ethics issues that you have learned in the past two weeks related to your topic, including cybersecurity, data analytics, IP rights and personal privacy. Specifically: 1. Your project will now take the form of your selected format.

2. In your chosen format, elaborate on your previous work and frame the issue within the context of what you have learned in the second stage of the course (i.e., ethics and morality in a technology context).

3. Examine the specific technology-related computer ethics issues and questions posed by your topic, including cybersecurity, data collection, and data breaches.

4. Discuss how your topic affects computer ethics issues such as Intellectual Property, privacy rights, and free speech.

5. Your project must contain each of the basic elements of an argumentative essay, including (1) an introduction consisting of a topic and problem statement, background information on the issue, and a thesis statement, (2) arguments and evidence supporting your position, (3) counterarguments to your position, how you view those arguments/positions, and how you would refute those arguments with evidence, and (4) a conclusion. These basic elements are required regardless of the format you select.

6. You must incorporate additional research that you used to develop your thesis and decision- making. Include a reference list of sources cited in your essay in APA 7th edition format.

7. Your work this week will be considered a first draft. Submit the draft of your project to your instructor, who will provide you with feedback to incorporate into your final deliverable.

8. You will have the option to resubmit your assignment during Unit 6 after receiving and incorporating feedback from your instructor.

Percentage of total course grade: 5% FORMAT: The format of your final project is up to you. Some examples include a paper, a video, presentation with notes, presentation with voice over, blog, vlog, or a web page. No one format is better than another or preferable from the instructor’s perspective. The purpose of providing you with options is to give you an opportunity to do what you do best. You may be very analytical and can best get your point across in a traditional term paper format, or you may be an extremely creative person and can be more persuasive in a video or presentation, or you may be very technical and can shine through the creation of a web site or blog.

• If you have another format in mind, you must seek approval from your instructor. This is a chance for you to demonstrate creativity, what you are passionate about, and the computer skills you have learned in other courses.

• Choose the format that will motivate you, one you are most comfortable with, that will keep you focused over an eight-week course, and that will enable you to produce your best work.

Please see the following requirements for each project format:

• Final Paper: 8-10 pages in APA format, not including Title or Reference pages.

• Video: 15-20 minutes recorded and uploaded to YouTube

• Presentation (with notes): 10-15 slides in PowerPoint. Use the Notes feature to provide necessary context to explain the content of your slides.

• Presentation (with voice): 10-15 slides in PowerPoint with recorded voice presentation of your slides. Voice recording should be approximately 1-2 minutes per slide.

• Web Page: if you create a web page, requirements will depend on the outline of your site. For example, the site could consist of multiple pages, one page with several tabs, blog or vlog style, etc. Confirm with your instructor. Be creative but ensure all the elements of the project requirements are included.