Rugby – Imagine that you are the new media manager

Rugby PPT

use the following to help:

Imagine that you are the new media manager for an emerging market that World Rugby is approaching.

Create a presentation to propose what you would do to
use new media to market World Rugby to the local market.
In your presentation, be sure to include the following critical elements:
? Evaluate the current status of new media approach in this emerging market. What types of rugby programs and events do they carry to the local
market? What are the strengths of current media approach? What is missing or lacking?
? Analyze the local new media infrastructure and usage preference. (Note: You need to consider the broadband capacity if you want to provide
live-stream video. Also, you need to consider the local regulations. For example, does Chinese government allow Facebook usage? If not, do they have
their own local social media sites?)
? Describe your new media ideas to enhance World Rugby’s exposure to the local market. Remember to identify clear goals (e.g., increase video
stream membership, generate awareness of World Rugby stars, etc.) of each approach


1) After reviewing the Guidelines and grading rubric, an emerging COUNTRY  is more feasible to analyze. The region (e.g., Southeast Asia) has  several countries. Each country has its own culture. For example, rugby  is popular among the Commonwealth countries. Therefore, the Commonwealth  member states in Southeast Asia have a rugby culture (e.g., Malaysia,  Singapore, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong-former Commonwealth state). However,  Indonesia and Thailand are NOT part of the Commonwealth. Therefore, they  have a very limited rugby culture. 

2) As for the regulations for new media, each country has its own  preferences, policies, social media network, TV network, etc. For  example, WhatsApp (chat software) is very popular in Singapore  and Malaysia. But LINE (chatting software) is popular in Japan and  Taiwan. LINE, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, and several popular American  social media are blocked in China.

3) In addition, the TV network in each country is different. The  new media needs to engage with the traditional media (e.g., TV) to  create more marketing initiatives and views. Of course, live streaming is getting popular because the broadcasting infrastructure is better now.

4) Again, please analyze it as an emerging COUNTRY, not a region, not a whole world. 

–An emerging COUNTRY

Discussion – Management Development And Organizational

Discussion Thread: Management Development And Organizational Development

QUESTION CHOSEN:  Why is it important for an HRD practitioner to understand managerial roles and competencies? How are these assessed? How is the information used as a needs assessment is designing a management development program? 

The Impact of Employee Engagement on Staffing and Employment

Literature Review: Part 3 – Final Submission Assignment

TOPIC: The Impact of Employee Engagement on Staffing and Employment  

General format and sequence
Title Page
Introduction (At least 1 page, Level 1 heading)
Findings (At least 6 pages, organized under Level 1 and Level 2 headings)
Each article review should be 2–3 paragraphs. The following should be provided in the student’s own original words:
a) the theoretical model and/or conceptual model used by the author(s) of the article.
b) a description of whether the article is a quantitative study or qualitative article.
c) the research methodology used, and a description of the sample size and demographics if the study is quantitative.
d) the research findings reported by the author(s) of the article.
e) the conclusions of the author(s) of the article.
f) multiple in-text citations of the article using the author-date citation method required by the APA format.
Conclusions and Recommendations (At least 1 page, Level 1 heading)
Each of the 12 references must be discussed in the narrative, and correctly cited in the narrative. 
Paraphrase – Do not quote
The assignment must not be a series of quotations. It is the student’s skills in critical analysis and scholarly discussion that are being evaluated in this assignment; therefore, quotations should be kept to an absolute minimum. Zero quotations are preferred. The ideas, concepts, and findings located in the 12 scholarly articles should be paraphrased in the student’s own words, correctly cited. 
The content must be organized under headings in accordance with the APA format. As a general
rule, Level 1 and Level 2 headings will be used in this assignment. 

All pages of all assignments, including the title page and reference list, must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman fonts with one-inch margins on all four sides. MS Word files only. The Literature Review must meet the standards of the current edition of the APA manual for in-text citations, references, headings, grammar, spelling and mechanics.

You may submit your Literature Review: Part 3 – Final Submission Assignment to the draft
submission link entitled Literature Review: Part 3 – Draft Submission Assignment to check
your Turnitin results prior to submitting your final copy of the Literature Review: Part 3 –Final Submission Assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. The tool
is a starting point for instructors to check overall Academic Integrity and higher scores generally
indicate a higher probability of Academic Misconduct. The higher a score, the higher the
probability that there are too many quotations included in the narrative, and/or there are passages that have not been properly cited.

There are several resources provided by the Academic Success Center and Online Writing
Center websites for you to consult. Direct links to these sites are provided on the Literature
Review: Part 3 – Final Submission Assignment page under the Literature Review Resources.

Function Discussion – In the real world, functions are mathematical



In the real world, functions are mathematical representations of input-output situations.

A vending machine is one such example. The input is the money combined with the

selected button. The output is the product.

Here is another example: The formula for converting a temperature from Fahrenheit to

Celsius is a function expressed as:

C = (5/9)*(F – 32), where F is the Fahrenheit temperature and C is the Celsius temperature.

If it is 77 degrees Fahrenheit in Phoenix Arizona, then what is the equivalent temperature

on the Celsius thermometer?

Our input is 77.

C = (5/9)*(77 – 32)

C = (5/9)*(45)

C = 25

The equivalent temperature is 25 degrees Celsius.

To complete the Discussion activity, please do the following:

? Choose your own function

? Provide reference in APA format