Maintaining Skin Integrity In The Elderly Population

Maintaining Skin Integrity In The Elderly Population

Please prepare a Power Point Presentation on Maintaining Skin Integrity in the Elderly Population.

The presentation must be in APA format, 7th edition, and include a title and reference page.

Please include the following components:

1What is the risk for skin breakdown in adults 65 years of age and older?

2What are different types of pressure ulcers?

3How do you stage a wound?

3What are tools to assess a risk level of skin breakdown?

4What are preventative measures that will help eliminate skin break down?

Goals for LGBT and Transgender Populations

Goals for LGBT and Transgender Populations

Respond to the following in a minimum of words:

· How can human service workers better clarify, generate, and explore goals and supports especially with LGBT and transgender populations as they prepare for reentry into society?

· Why is it?important to clarify goals related to potential problems related to their community, family, or environment that could occur upon release? Consider issues such as mental health, substance abuse, and homelessness.

Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin is a short story

Sonny Blue’s And The Language Of Snails

“Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin is a short story that tells of the redemption and communion between two once-estranged brothers. How does the symbol of a cup containing scotch and milk that are blended together by the force of Sonny’s piano-playing serve to represent the coming-together of these lost siblings? Where else does Baldwin use religions symbolism to represent family healing?

Marcia Douglas’ “The Language of Snails” is rooted in Jamaican folklore in which human beings can turn into animals via sorcery and magic. Most organized religions tell us that human are very different from animals, but Evolution tells us we are all one interrelated Tree of Life. How does Douglas explore the strange, blurry line between humans and non-human animals?

Hinduism Discussion – Hinduism differs from most Western

 Hinduism Discussion

Hinduism differs from most Western stereotypical views of religion, in that it has no founder and no central text.  Further, it has no essential ritual, systematized dogma, or active proselytizing. The Vedas are the oldest Hindu scriptures, but they are not very important to contemporary practices. Hinduism is an immensely diverse religion, with numerous gods and major variations by caste, region and class. What unifies all these different forms of Hinduism are common beliefs in karma, moksha, samsara and dharma, though interpretations of these key terms will vary.

Briefly describe the major philosophical themes of Hinduism:  such as, Brahman, Atman, Karma, Samsara, Moksha, Dharma, Life-stages and the Caste system.  How can Hinduism embrace such a wide continuum of contradictory social beliefs and practices — universalism and simultaneously its divisive caste system, treatment of women, and exclusivist nationalism?