Analysis Of Renewable Energy Sources

Analysis Of Renewable Energy Sources

You have been asked to identify the sources of energy you use daily in your home, and the cost of each of those sources over a 3-day period (and a monthly total estimate). While going about your daily activities, track and record your energy use in three categories (electricity, fuel, and natural gas/propane), calculating a monthly estimate for your energy costs. Contact your energy provider or research your energy provider online to determine the primary sources of energy used to power your home, and explore the potential for renewable energy sources, if your provider uses fossil fuel sources.

Research or contact your energy providers to determine the sources of energy supplied by your providers. Compile tracked energy data into a written report, calculating a daily average cost for your energy needs. Lastly, explore options for sourcing energy from solely renewable sources.

Your report should consist of the following elements:

  • Specify name of local energy providers and source(s) of energy used
  • Specify cost of energy use for the 3-day period (based on average electric bill/10 days)
  • Explore options for sourcing energy solely from renewable sources
  • If renewable options are not available, discuss ways that you can reduce energy use in your home

Week 2 Minor Project – the legal concepts and rules

Week 2 Minor Project

Using the information to this point in the course (specifically the week two readings on property), as well as outside scholarly material, write a paper from a biblical worldview perspective that discusses 1) the legal concepts and rules of property ownership and 2) how God’s law or God’s intent informs those legal concepts of property.


(a) for God’s law or intent: you may use the mandate of humankind’s dominion over the earth, the commandments (thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet), various admonitions or proverbs (e.g., to provide for your family), or examples having to do with property or wealth.

(b) You may then compare and contrast or otherwise comment on the relationship between our legal concepts and rules and God’s law or intent ].

Compose the research paper in accordance with APA standards and cite a minimum of three scholarly peer reviewed sources (in addition to your textbook and the Bible) as references, as well as multiple biblical references (word count range 1200-1400 words).

To submit, use the link provided above. Review the grading rubric in the “Grades and Progress” section of the main menu by locating the assignment and clicking View Rubric.

A Study of Worker Perceptions of Legal Protection

In 1997, Professor Pauline Kim of the Washington University School of Law published “Bargaining with Imperfect Information:

A Study of Worker Perceptions of Legal Protection in an At-Will World” in the Cornell Law Review. In it, she reported the results of a survey of Missouri employees and their perceptions of protections the law provides them from losing their jobs under various circumstances. The survey revealed that the vast majority of employees were unaware of the at will rule and erroneously believed the law protected their employment from being terminated for a variety of reasons that are clearly legally permissible under the employment-at-will default rule. For example, nearly 89 percent of respondents believed that it is unlawful for an employer to fire an employee because of the employer’s personal dislike of the employee. Similarly, 87 percent of respondents believed an employer would be breaking the law if it fired an employee for erroneously concluding that the employee had stolen from the employer, even when the employee had provided proof that she had not.

Defenders of the employment-at-will rule justify it in a number of different ways. One of those is that employees who value greater job security can negotiate with employers for protection from unjustified termination of their employment (usually at the cost of a lower salary or other benefit concessions). Similarly, at least in theory, employers pay a wage premium for the

labor flexibility that the at-will rule provides. However if Professor Kim’s survey is broad representative of workers

knowledge about the at-will rule, then such employees are unlikely to value job security accurately and or to demand an appropriate wage premium. Employers presumably have no such misunderstanding. As a result. they benefit from theil

employees misapprehension of the at-will rule and some may encourage such misunderstanding in order to cultivate feelings of loyalty and security among their employees

What, if any, ethical obligation do employers, who are at an information advantage, owe to prospective employees toensure that they understand employment at will prior to negotiating the details of their employment?

3 paragraph response

Healthcare – Chapter 12 explores the important issues


Chapter 12 explores the important issues of cost, access and quality, including that having access to affordable quality health services is both (1) a key determinant of health care and (2) a significant benchmark in assessing the effectiveness of the health care delivery system. 

In chapters previously discussed in this class, we have studied that vulnerable populations experience great challenges in:

  • Accessing health services, 
  • Paying for health services (which contribute to the access problem), and 
  • Receiving quality health services (as opposed to the quality typically available to non-vulnerable populations).   

Vulnerable population groups include racial/ethnic minorities, the uninsured, children, women, persons living in rural areas, migrant workers, homeless persons, persons with mental illness, the chronically ill, and persons with a disability.  While members of the population groups listed above often have incomes at or below the federal poverty level, I think that poverty could perhaps be added as a distinct vulnerable population group.  With the exception of the population groups for women and children, any of these vulnerable population groups include adult men.  Therefore, the vulnerable population groups include people from every population group.  

Those living in rural areas are especially hard-hit with finding access to medically necessary health services.  Challenges that they face include, at the most basic level, poverty and the chronic health conditions associated with poverty.   Other challenges of living in a rural area include a shortage of health care providers, a lesser quality of care, a lack of health insurance, and increasingly, the loss of a community hospital that includes in its mission an obligation to serve the health needs of special populations.

Assume that you are the CEO of a rural hospital in an agricultural community characterized by high poverty, high unemployment, and poor health status due to chronic health conditions.  You are fortunate that your hospital was just purchased by a larger health system and you now have access to financial resources that will enable your hospital to invest in its future for the first time in 25 years.  You are excited about bringing new programs to improve access for the community’s long neglected vulnerable populations.  

However, you have a newly constituted board of directors that has as its focus achieving financial stability followed by growth.  The board views the community’s high percentage of residents who fall into the vulnerable population as a reason for the hospital’s financial struggles, and has directed you to improve the payer mix by replacing the uninsured and Medicaid patients with commercially insured and private pay patients.  The board has also directed you to:

  • Recruit young doctors trained in state-of-the-art medicine and technologies;  
  • Implement  cash cow programs such as orthopedic surgery, cosmetic surgery, pain management, oncology, post-acute rehabilitation, etc.; 
  • Reduce the hospital’s charity and bad debt accounts; 
  • Invest in an electronic medical record platform; and 
  • Make needed facility improvements and medical equipment purchases.    

How will you, as hospital CEO, utilize the recent infusion of capital from the new health system owner to achieve the board’s financial objectives while also improving access to necessary health services by the vulnerable populations served by your hospital (mostly uninsured and Medicaid)?  Is your goal of improving access to the community’s vulnerable populations fundamentally inconsistent with the board’s goal of increasing revenues and modernizing the hospital; or can the two goals be reconciled and mutually achievable?  If your goal is inconsistent, how is it inconsistent?