Run an OLS regression of logarithm wage (lwage) on years of schooling

(a) Run an OLS regression of logarithm wage (lwage) on years of schooling (educ), i.e., lwagei = α + βeduci + ui.

Use a sentence to interpret βˆOLS.

(b) Use ivreg command to run a Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS) regression. Use father’s years of

schooling (fatheduc) as the instrument variable. Use a sentence to interpret βˆ 2SLS.

(c) Check the F-statistics from the first-stage regression. How large it is? Is the instrument variable weak?

(d) Perform a Hausman’s test to compare OLS with 2SLS estimators. Write down your test hypoth- esis, p-value and conclusion.

(e) Discuss if father’s years of schooling (fatheduc) is a solid instrument variable, i.e., satisfies con-

ditions of instrument variables.

The Role Of Supply And Demand In The Healthcare Economy

The Role Of Supply And Demand In The Healthcare Economy

 Nearly everyone in the United States—and the world as a whole—has now been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everything from schools, to hospitals, to workplaces have been affected. Among the greatest impact seen has been the impact to the various lines of supplies in the medical field. Please review this article.

  • Share how the pandemic has had an impact in both the demand for, and supply of healthcare goods and services.
  • Describe the impact the supply chain disruption had on healthcare organizations in your own community in terms of financial impact, patient access and treatment decisions, or shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for essential healthcare personnel.

The Role Of Supply And Demand In The Healthcare Economy 2

The Role Of Supply And Demand In The Healthcare Economy 2

 During the COVID-19 pandemic, people saw major disruptions to supply lines throughout the country. Nowhere was this more evident than in the healthcare industry. Among the biggest impact was the disruption in supply lines related to personal protective equipment (PPE) and patient care needs (e.g., beds, ventilators, and medications). Use your text as a resource to complete the following assignment as well as one other resource from the library. Please cite your sources.

  • Describe the concept of supply and demand and how it relates to the provision of healthcare.
  • Once the concept of supply and demand has been explained as it relates to healthcare explain how the pandemic contributed to major shortages of needed supplies and equipment.
  • Imagine yourself as a leader of a provider group of some type (e.g., surgery center, orthopedic group, general practitioner’s office). Indicate some of the supply shortages that your group may see in a similar scenario in the future. How can these be offset or averted?
  • Identify, evaluate, and present a strategy that healthcare leaders can implement to avoid real-world supply chain disruption in the future.