Science II – Current Topics on Environment Issues

Science II 

Assignment 1: Current Topics on Environment Issues

Select one of the environmental issues below. Write an essay presenting the information related to the topics. You should present the following information and place illustrations and videos that clarify the information:

· What does it consist of?

· What causes it?

· Impact on the environment

· Current situation

· Mitigation measures

Topics to be assigned:


· Climate change

· Depletion of the ozone layer

· Acid rain


· Erosion

· Desertification

· Solid and hazardous waste


· World water crisis

· Cultural eutrophication

· Saline intrusion


Week 12 – Understanding the Opioid Epidemic

Week 12 

Reading 1: Rosenthal Chapter 4 (pg. 87-127)

Video 1: Understanding the Opioid Epidemic (55 min) h Links to an external site.

ttps:// Links to an external site.  

Guiding Questions:

How did pharmaceutical companies develop in the US? What is the role of advertising in the use of pharmaceuticals?

How does drug patent law lead to higher drug prices?

What is the opioid epidemic?

Who is to blame for the opioid epidemic (drug makers, people taking drugs, physicians, pharmacies, drug companies)?



This is the book here are two textbooks required for this class:

Health Disparities in the United States: Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and the Social Determinants of Health. By Donald Barr 3rd edition.

An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back by Elisabeth Rosenthal