A 47-year-old female patient is in for a follow-up visit to monitor

A 47-year-old female patient is in for a follow-up visit to monitor her treatment for type 2 diabetes. You added regular insulin to her treatment regimen last month. She tells you that she has not had any symptoms of hypoglycemia with the new plan and her glucose levels have been between 60 and 80. She tells you that her visit to her cardiologist went well and she was prescribed a new medication, atenolol.

  1. Discuss the problems and/or complications that might result when a patient with diabetes is treated with a beta blocker.
  2. Would there be a difference if the beta blocker was not atenolol?
  3. Is there something about the rest of her treatment plan that needs to be addressed?

Please answer questions. APA format, Half a page.  at least two citations with corresponding references

Amazon – Describe your business

   This paper is on Amazon


II. Introduction and Overview- Describe your business. Include the geographic region. Maps and a video of the business

III. Market Description

A. History of the market (this company if it is not a startup, or the history of the industry). Illustrate

B. Top Competitors- How close substitutes are they? Who are they?- top 2 or 3 is fine. Use logos and their sales figures

C. Revenue Streams- Whom do you charge and how (hourly, by the item, etc.)? You may find you have multiple sets of customers. How many sources of income does this business have? List them. Include graph of Sales for the past 3-5 years as well as photos of the products.

D. Competition Structure- Is your firm in a monopoly, oligopoly, competitive, or monopolistically competitive market? Monopolies are not legal in the USA.

IV. Factors Affecting Demand

A. Consumer’s income- how would a change in your potential customers’ incomes affect Demand for your product?

B. Price of related goods- what are some substitutes and complements to your goods or services and how much do they cost? How would a change in their price affect Demand for your product? Use logos

C. Tastes within the market- what trends or changes should you watch for? Graphs are good. 

D. Expectations within the market- What do consumers think is going to happen, and how does this change their buying habits? Note: this is not what they expect of your product, but what they expect to happen in the future which could effect their buying decision now.

E. Number of buyers- What may increase or decrease the number of potential customers?

F. Elasticity- How strongly (not which direction) will raising or lowering the price affect your business? What are key characteristics about your consumers and business environment that affect their elasticity? Good that are necessities tend to be inelastic. Luxury items are elastic.

IV. Factors Affecting Supply

A. Input prices-. What changes could you expect in the prices you pay for your inputs (wages, materials, rent, etc.) and how would they affect your decisions to supply?

B.Technology- what new technology is coming out that will decrease your company’s costs? Illustrate

C. Expectations- what are your company’s expectations of how the market for your good or service will change? How do these expectations affect your business decisions?

D. Entry/exit- How easy and how long would it take for new competitors to enter your market once they see you are doing well? Or, what might make some of your competitors leave the market which would mean more business for you?

E. Number of Establishments in the U.S.  You can also use the number of stores, offices and employees if appropriate. You should show where the headquarters is located. 

F. What impact has COVID had on your business? Graphs

V. References- You need at least 5. Be sure they are written using APA (aligned to the left on the page and in alphabetical order by the author’s last name). 

Please cite your sources in APA format and use at least 5 resources. There will be a 10-point deduction if less than 5 references are provided.  

Cultural Compentence – Discuss with your mentor teacher the progress

Cultural Compentence

Discuss with your mentor teacher the progress made and next steps in supporting the students’ language acquisition needs. Collaborate on ways your mentor teacher can continue to demonstrate cultural understanding and promote language development in their content area classroom.

Write a 250-500 word reflection summarizing your observations and discussion. Include a reflection of how you supported the language acquisition needs of the students you worked with. Address how what you have learned will affect your future professional practice. Specifically discuss how you will demonstrate cultural understanding and promote language development in your classroom.

Discussion 3 – Setting the Stage, According to our text, successful change

Discussion 3 706

Setting the Stage

Joel Barker: “A paradigm is a set of rules – written or unwritten – that establishes boundaries within which we learn how to be successful.”

According to our text, successful change requires the support of leaders at many levels of the organization. This indicates that leaders are clearly AT every level and have influence on change. The authors use scenarios to explain how change is effected through the example of a social hierarchy as explained in The Great Game of High School referenced below. 

Senge et. al. (2012)  discusses The Great Game of High School (pp.380-389) in which the notion of how “current reality”  affects student learning in high school and the conflicting pressures that students must learn to maneuver in order to be “successful” is presented and analyzed.  The reader is encouraged to reflect on these  “current realities” as they apply within their own environment to understand more clearly what factors potentially impact not only student learning, and success, but the success of the entire organization.  What factors ultimately impact leadership decisions surrounding success in an educational organization.  Eight rules associated with the social hierarchy as discussed in this section are presented and have effects on the broader social and societal system structures within current organizations. 


For this  Discussion, reflect upon the eight rules identified in Chapter 10 (Senge et. al.,2012, pp. 380-389); consider their broader implications, and apply them in terms of planning and managing change initiatives in your educational settings.  

Instructions: Following a close review and analysis of the section in Chapter 10 referenced above, select 4 of the 8 social hierarchy rules discussed and share your interpretation of the rule coupled with your perspective of how each of the rules you choose impacts the shifting of paradigms/thinking within your current organization.  What does it take to be successful in your organization?

Consider the following thoughts in your discussion where appropriate:

1. An explanation of each rule you selected

2. How different professional groups (teachers, school leaders, administrators) at your workplace fit into the Senge et. al. (2012) model.

3. Who are the leaders of change in your organization?

4. Who attracts the most attention and who gets the least attention, and explain why you think that is the case.

5. What interventions have effected a change in your organization to garner more student voice?

Other Instructional Notes

Use textbook citations  (Senge, et. al., 2012) to support observations and a rationale for your position.