Discussion 3 – Eric Cartman was angry, He was angry at his friends

Discussion3 612 

300 words response 2 references/intext citations  

Eric Cartman was angry.  He was angry at his friends, his parents, his teachers; he was angry at the world.  But then he was always acting angry.  Eric was interested in guns, bombs, war, and other types of violence.  He often claimed anyone could build a bomb, it was easy with the internet. One day Dean Hanky of South Park University (SPU) received an anonymous call that there was a bomb on campus.  Dean Hanky was concerned because the bomb could be in a dorm, a classroom building, or anywhere else.  Could they find it or evacuate in time?  He immediately called the local police.  He told the police he did not have any information on the caller, but he suspected Eric Cartman.  The police arrived and as part of their response they grabbed Cartman out of class, placed him in handcuffs, took him to the station, and questioned him.  Pressed for time, they chose not to read him his rights.  They kept telling him they knew it was him and demanded he tell them where the bomb was.  For the first time in his life, Cartman felt intimidated.  After some time had passed, he told the police he had made the call, but there was no bomb.  He was just angry and wanted to disrupt things.  In Cartman’s trial, could the prosecution use his statement to police?  Could he successfully challenge its admission?  What about false confession?   

Ray Case study – Ray gains self-confidence from exercising

Ray Case study

Ray gains self-confidence from exercising, socializing with the other team workers at his part-time fast-food job, and honing his woodworking skills. He graduates high school. Ray applies to college with the support of his teacher- mentor and gets a full scholarship. He would be the first in his family to attend college. However, his father George becomes sick with lung cancer the summer before his freshman year of college. Ray doesn’t know where to turn. He is estranged from his father’s side of the family due to a fight George had with his brother years ago.

His mother’s side of the family do not live in the area, and he’s never had a close relationship with them. He feels a sense of obligation to George and guilt for what he’d said about wishing him dead, ray never leaves for college, letting the scholarship lapse. He stays and cares for his father until George dies four months later. Now 18, Ray lives alone with a rescue pit bull named Daisy. He has maintained his fast-food job, but after George’s death, he begins to show up at work late, unshowered, and occasionally drunk. Ray’s boss tells him that he understands he’s grieving, but he can’t show up in that state. The boss puts him on probation. If he is late, skips work, or shows up inebriated again, he will be fired. If Ray loses his job, his housing will be in jeopardy as well. Ray’s work friends encourage him to see a social worker.

Throughout the course, you have been following Ray as he develops biologically, psychologically, and socially, as he makes decisions, and as his social environment changes over time. Now imagine Ray as your client. How would knowledge of HBSE inform his case?

Social workers are expected to apply HBSE, person?in environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks during the stages of engagement, assessment, and intervention when practicing in the field.

For this Discussion, you begin exploring Ray’s case by considering how HBSE applies when engaging, assessing, and intervening with Ray.


Reflect on Ray’s case. How might you use knowledge of HBSE to engage, assess, and intervene in the case?

Explain how you might apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment when engaging, assessing, and intervening with Ray as a social worker.

Business System – What is a System Perspective in systems

Business System

Assignment Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Systems” and reflect on only one (1) of the following:topics: “Systems Perspective”: What is a System Perspective in systems analysis and design? “System Types”: Describe a type of automated system that exists in a business. “Enterprise System”: Describe and provide an example of an Enterprise business system. “Data Driven System”: Describe how a data-driven system is different from other business systems. NOTE: You must copy and paste the topic (“Systems Perspective” or “System Types” or “Enterprise System” or “Data Driven System”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer. This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion. Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource. You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations. You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference. Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource. 

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least one APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. All work must be original (not copied from any source). 1-word document/250-300 words Scholarly Articles and use Reference Course TextBook for concepts APA 7 format, with in-text citation Please attach Plagiarism report