Role Of Business Information Systems


Business information systems use information technologies to provide information businesses need to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. The primary components of business information systems are people, process, data, and information technologies such as hardware, software, and networks. 



Post an analysis of the role of business information systems in your selected organization. In your analysis, be sure to address the following:

  • Identify three of the most important technologies and/or aspects of business information systems used in your selected organization.
  • Examine what role(s) these business information systems and technologies play in how the organization functions and conducts business.
  • Based on your analysis, identify at least one potential area for improvement in how this organization could improve its use of business information systems and technologies.

Refer to the Week 2 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.

Read some of your colleagues’ postings.

Module 03 Discussion – Delegation, Briefly explain the Rights of Delegation

Fundamentals Of Professional Nursing

Module 03 Discussion – Delegation Guidelines


After viewing the video, “Delegation” and reading in your textbook, post your answers to the following questions.

Briefly explain the Rights of Delegation and the potential error(s) that can occur with each when delegating a task.

Discuss how these delegation errors be prevented?

Please make your initial post

Crime Control Versus Due Process Models Of Criminal Justice

Crime Control Versus Due Process Models Of Criminal Justice

The text discusses two primary goals of American criminal justice:  the need to enforce the law and maintain order and the need to protect people from injustice. Chapter 1 addresses this issue beginning on p.11 and a synopsis of Herbert Packer’s crime control/due process models of criminal justice are provided in Figure 1-2. The original article by Packer is also available in the Module (sorry for the lengthy read).

Please present your position on the following:

Which of the two models is currently the primary focus of the American criminal justice system and why? Do you think the current situation is appropriate? Is a combination of the two models possible? Explain.

There is no word limit and all outside sources must be listed under a Reference heading at the end of your submission. Use APA formatting.

Discussion 1 Part 1 – Compared to professions such as law

Discussion Board #1 – Part 1

As a well read Masters student in Criminal Justice you have been asked to give your opinion on the following inquiry:

  • Compared to professions such as law, medicine, and accounting, do you consider policing to be a profession? Why or why not? What criteria did you use to make your determination?

Your response should clearly address each part of the question (separate paragraphs).

Please note the Discussion Board assignments are a means to discuss the Module topic as well as the assigned material. Inclusion of details from the readings or lecture notes is essential to a meaningful discussion. Justify your response and include supplemental support if needed. Personal experience is insightful but should be used sparingly, these are academic discussions and the focus should be on the research on a particular issue.

For example, this weeks topic is discussed at length in the assigned readings and many of the optional readings address the issue of professionalization. Therefore, for example, please do not look up a Merriam Webster definition of a profession when numerous readings in our Module address the topic specific to policing.

Please make sure to reference all sources at the bottom of your post ( in APA format).