Criminal Justice – Traditionally, women played minor

Criminal Justice

1.Traditionally, women played minor roles in the leadership process. If  anything, women were followers, not leaders in any capacity.

? Case in point,  the research used to support leadership theories and concepts in this course  primarily focused on men as leaders. However, the corporate landscape has  changed; women are now in leadership roles throughout society. Therefore,  your discussion question is as follow:

Question:?Do you agree that understanding research into gender  and leadership will help promote more women into the upper  echelons of leadership? Why or why not?

2. During COVID-19, criminal justice agencies and private organizations had  to conduct business in a virtual environment. Indeed, every aspect of society went through some form of change to daily business operations. This week’s  discussion question encourages students to think critically about using  “Virtual Teams” in public and private organizations.

The discussion question  is as follow: Question: What are the challenges of virtual teams? How can  leaders make virtual teams more e?ective?

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