Pompeii: Portents of Disaster – Do your own research on Pompeii

1. Read the article: Pompeii: Portents of Disaster.

2. Do your own research on Pompeii. There are many videos online as well as numerous online resources. You may want to start by reading first-hand accounts of the disaster by Pliny the Younger.

3. Pretend you are living in Pompeii around A.D. 60 (nineteen years before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius). Write a letter describing Pompeii to a friend in Rome who is coming to visit.

4. To prepare to write this letter about the past, you will need to research the ruins and artifacts of Pompeii to see what they reveal about daily life in Pompeii. You will then use your research to write a two to three-page letter to describe daily life, the city itself, and the people of Pompeii.

Week 1 Discussion 1 – The patient is preparing to be discharged

Week 1 Discussion 1


The patient is preparing to be discharged from the hospital, but there has been a spill that led to the patient falling. You now need to explain that the discharge will be delayed until a full assessment has been completed. Additionally, educational materials and instructions need to be provided to the patient. A family member is present to help with discharge and follow-up instructions due to a language barrier.?? The patient is sitting in the room waiting for instructions and discharge orders. The patient is getting anxious, having already waited for some time, and wants to leave. The patient does not speak English and is having a difficult time understanding why an assessment needs to be done just for falling down.


· Given that the patient speaks and understands very little English, what other forms of communication might be used to provide patient education?

· How would you assess if the patient understands the discharge instructions?

· How will the actions of the staff member either negatively or positively impact patient care and the patient care experience?

· What ethical values or decisions did the staff member make that do not align with the patient education policy?

Add 2 references using apa style

INFA640 – Cryptology and Data Protection

INFA640 Short Research Paper 2 All Sections

Cryptology and Data Protection

Short Research Paper #2

Prepare a short research paper of approximately five (5) pages, double-spaced, exclusive of cover, title page, table of contents, and bibliography. Your paper must use APA formatting ( including in-text citations in the proper APA format) with the exception that tables and figures can be inserted at the appropriate location rather than added at the end. Submit the paper in your assignment folder as a Microsoft Word attachment (.docx or .doc format) with the following file name:


(For example, Smith.doc)

For this assignment, address the following topic:


Cryptography is an enabling technology for self-help privacy. Conversely, cryptography can be used to conceal criminal conspiracies and activities, including espionage.

How have computers changed the ways in which we have to keep certain information private?

What new threats do computer systems and networks pose to personal privacy?

Conversely, what threats are enabled or enhanced by computer systems and networks?

How does cryptography help or hinder protection of privacy and public safety?

What policies are needed and appropriate in a networked world regarding the use of cryptography?


Please include the introduction and conclusion as two sections or paragraphs. In between those two sections include the responses to the questions asked as separate sections. You may use them as titles. Please provide references for each conclusion you present.

Why are you interested in becoming a CPA

Why Do You Want To Become A CPA

Please answer the following questions. Each response must have a minum of 150 words and up to 350 words. You may compose your answers in a word document and copy and paste them in the corresponding fields below. 

1- Why are you interested in becoming a CPA, and how will it impact your career?

2- How do you hope to achieve your goals, and what is your timeline? 

Please share your plans for finishing your accounting degree, meeting requirements, and sitting for the CPA 

3- Who or what influenced you to pursue a career in accounting? 

4-Mention three attributes or skills you have that might make you successful in the accounting profession. Explain why.

5-Explain special circumstances you feel are relevant to your application or additional information you wish to provide.