Week 2 Discussion – Why do you think there are so many similarities

Wk 2 Discussion

Why do you think there are so many similarities in the themes of various creation myths? 

Why, for example, are there so many flood myths? 

What do these myths teach us about the cultures that created them? Refer to at least one creation myth with a few descriptive details to support your answer. Avoid the Bible/Genesis story. Select a creation story that’s new for you . . . something that you found interesting. 

TCHR2003 – Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education

TCHR2003: Curriculum Studies in Early Childhood Education

Assessment Task 1: Critical review

March 2023 

Length: 2000 words

Referencing: APA 7th

Submission: Via the Turnitin link on the Assessment and Submission section on the unit site.

Write a critical response to the following three points to demonstrate a good working knowledge and understanding of early childhood education curriculum, frameworks, and concepts.


1. Define what curriculum is in early childhood education and provide a rationale for your statement using unit content to support your discussion. (250 words).

2. Discuss how educators use children’s play to plan and implement curriculum in early childhood education settings. Justify your response by using theory, NQS, EYLF, references and provide examples to support your discussion. (750 words).

3. Observe the teacher and children’s interactions during an early childhood activity in the video provided in the Assessment 1 folder.

a) Discuss the EYLF Practices and Principles and NQS QA the educator is using to promote children’s learning.

b) Identify EYLF Learning Outcomes the children are learning. Describe examples of what you see in the video that demonstrates the EYLF Learning Outcomes.

c) Identify 3 Learning Areas (Australian Curriculum) this activity may be covering and describe an example from the video, for each of your selected Learning Areas. (1000 words).


As an Early Childhood educator, it is important that you have a good working knowledge of

Early Childhood curriculum framework and be able to justify how educators use play to plan and implement curriculum for children in early childhood settings.



NQS QA= National Quality Standard Quality Area

EYLF = Early Years Learning Framework

ACARA = Australian Curriculum, Assessment, and reporting Authority




Should people make Meditation a habit

Discussion Reply: Provide Additional Questions They Might Want To Research And Additional Ideas For Sources That Would Be Useful.

  • Provide suggestions about how they might improve or narrow their topics.
  • Provide additional questions they might want to research and additional ideas for sources that would be useful.



I am trying to find a good argumentative  topic. However, I decided to use Meditation, because I recently started  using it. If it is not a good topic, I can adjust and change it. Writing  has always been my weakness, and I’m willing to learn and always have  room for improvement. I really appreciate any feedback. 


Should people make Meditation a habit?

To find peace in life, we must find what disrupts our equilibrium.  Meditation can be part of our daily lives and help us find life’s  meaning. The meaning of life or the purpose of life is to explore all  the possibilities of ourselves, be conscious, and become more aware of  existence. (Sadhguru, 2021)

  1. Where does Meditation start?
  2. What are the benefits of Meditation?
  3. Is Meditation can be a part of our lives? Or a waste of time?
  4. Are there better ways to protect our mental and spiritual health rather than Meditation?
  5. Can Meditation set us up for success?


The importance of meditation. Official Website of Sadhguru, Isha Foundation. (2023, January 2). Retrieved March 2, 2023, from https://isha.sadhguru.org/global/en/wisdom/article/meditation-importance 

 Links to an external site.

About Sadhguru : Spiritual guru and author – meaning of life. Good Question. (2022, November 24). Retrieved March 2, 2023, from https://goodqn.com/articles/sadhguru-all-about-his-life/ 

 Links to an external site.  

Business Ethic Discussion – About Film: Schooled, The Price Of College Sports

Business Ethic Discussion Question About Film: Schooled: The Price Of College Sports

Answer the following questions in your initial post.

 1. What were the main ethical issues presented in the film? What are your thoughts on the issues presented? 

2. What is the ethical function of compensation? Why is it important? How should physical risk (like that involved in contact sports) be accounted for in compensation plans?

3. Is it unethical to break rules (such as accepting compensation while playing for the NCAA) that may be unfair? Justify your response.