MGT5430 Course Project Phase 2

MGT5430 Organizational Behavior)

Course Project Phase II

MGT5430 Organizational Behavior

Meng and Berger (2019) define organizational culture as the values, beliefs, norms, and practices that exist within an organization and are shared by its employees. Having shared values influences the behavior of the organizational employees because they rely on those values for guidance on decision-making and behavior which consequently impacts the organization’s effectiveness (Meng and Berger, 2019). A positive corporate culture can contribute to increased employee performance and productivity. However, in the retail e-commerce organization discussed in this paper, it has been observed that the current organizational culture negatively impacts employee performance and productivity. This paper aims to describe and analyze the organizational culture problem and recommend a plan for change and intervention.

Needs Assessment Analysis:

In order to determine the most effective intervention to address the organizational problem, it is necessary to conduct a needs assessment. Needs assessment involves a combination of the following methods:

1. Direct observation: Direct observation of the workplace will provide valuable insights into the organizational culture and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

2. Questionnaires: Surveying employees about their perceptions and experiences with the organizational culture can provide valuable information about the attitudes and experiences of the workforce.

3. Consultation with key personnel: Talking to individuals in key positions or those with specific knowledge of the organization can provide valuable information about the organizational culture and any challenges that need to be addressed.

4. Literature review: A review of relevant literature on organizational culture and its impact on employee performance and productivity can provide useful information about best practices and interventions that have been successful in other organizations.

5. Interviews: Interviewing employees and managers can provide additional information about the organizational culture and the workforce’s attitudes.

6. Focus groups: Holding focus groups with employees can allow employees to discuss their experiences with the organizational culture and identify any issues that need to be addressed.

7. Assessments/surveys: Administering assessments and surveys to employees can provide additional information about their experiences with the organizational culture and their perceptions of the workplace.

8. Records and report studies: Reviewing records and reports of the organization can provide additional information about the organizational culture and any challenges that need to be addressed.

Proposed Organizational Development Interventions/Plan:

According to Maamari and Saheb (2018), organizational culture is important in breeding commitment and enhancing performance. However, based on the information gathered through the needs assessment, the following organizational development intervention plan will be proposed to improve the corporate culture in the retail company:

Goals and Objectives: The intervention aims to create a positive organizational culture that will enhance employee performance and productivity. The two goals can be achieved through a range of strategies, including:

1. Employee engagement and empowerment: Encouraging employees to participate in decision-making processes and giving them a sense of ownership in the organization can help to improve morale and foster a positive work environment. Most organizational leadership, such as Transformational leadership, ensure that employees can feel trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect from their leaders (Maamari and Saheb (2018).

2. Communication and transparency: Open and effective communication between management and employees is critical in creating a positive organizational culture. Such effectiveness can be achieved through regular staff meetings, employee surveys, and open forums where employees can voice their concerns and ideas.

3. Recognition and rewards: According to Donaldson and Donaldson (2019), this is an employee gratitude intervention mechanism where internal intentional activities are created to increase gratitude in the workplace Acknowledging and rewarding employees for their hard work and achievements can help to boost morale and improve employee satisfaction. The intervention can be done through employee-of-the-month programs, performance-based bonuses, and public recognition ceremonies.

4. Training and development: Providing employees with training and development opportunities can help enhance their skills and knowledge, improving performance and productivity.

5. Collaborative teamwork: Encouraging teamwork and collaboration among employees can help to foster a positive work environment and improve employee morale. Teamwork can be achieved through team-building activities and regular team meetings.

Assumptions and Constraints: It is assumed that the intervention will be successful if implemented in a systematic and well-planned manner. According to Saad & Abbas (2018), a combination of the right and strong organizational culture helps firms solve most of the issues, adapt to new managerial styles and reach the expected performance levels However, several constraints may impact the success of the intervention, including:

1. Resistance to change: Employees may be resistant to change and may be resistant to the proposed intervention. According to Fernandez and Rainey (2017), employees within an organization resist any intervention for change for different reasons.

2. Time constraints: The intervention may require significant time and resources to implement, and there may be limited time to dedicate to the project.

3. Budget constraints: The intervention may require significant financial resources, and limited funds may be available for the project (Fernandez and Rainey, 2017).

Required Resources:

In order to implement the proposed organizational development intervention, the following resources will be required:

a) Training and development resources to support the development of a shared understanding of the organizational culture.

b) Financial resources to support the implementation of practices and programs that support a positive organizational culture.

c) Human resources to support the implementation and maintenance of the intervention.

In phase III, the proposed intervention plan will be evaluated through a range of methods, including employee surveys, performance metrics, and regular check-ins with key personnel. The objective of this evaluation will be to assess the effectiveness of the intervention and to identify any areas that require further improvement.

In conclusion, the proposed organizational behavior intervention aims to create a positive corporate culture that improves employee performance and productivity. The organization can achieve its goals and improve morale and overall performance by conducting a thorough needs assessment analysis and developing a comprehensive intervention plan that includes employee engagement and empowerment, effective communication, recognition and rewards, training and development, and collaborative teamwork.

MGT5430 Course Project Phase 3

Course Project Phase III (MGT5430 Organizational Behavior)

Recap – Course Project:

An organizational development intervention is typically required when a problem, such as morale, behavior, or absenteeism, poses a threat to productivity and profitability.

You are an internal organizational consultant in an organization in which you are now employed, or in an organization in which you were recently employed. Describe and analyze an O.B. problem(s) and recommend an organizational plan for change and intervention, based on what you have learned from this course. Provide your rationale as to why you think your approach will help. This will require a practitioner analysis of the organizational problem of interest to you and an academic literature review of similar organization problems and interventions that you believe will be most beneficial in solving the problem. Also, provide an evaluation plan for the proposed intervention(s).

Key components of Phase III

1. Table of contents.

2. Abstract – An abstract is a brief summary of the paper, allowing readers to know the main points, and what was achieved in the paper (written in the past tense). It must be a single paragraph in block format (without paragraph indentation), and the appropriate length is typically between 150 and 200 words. Section 2.04 of the APA manual has additional information about the abstract.

3. Introduce your paper – Since the first paragraph or section of a document is assumed to be the introduction, “the heading ‘Introduction’ is not needed. Do not begin a paper with an ‘Introduction’ heading” (APA, 2020, p. 47). The first section heading after the introductory paragraph or section should be a Level 1 heading (APA, 2020, p. 47).

4. Problem Identification (Using your professor’s feedback, fully describe the problem)

5. Description of the organization (Using your professor’s feedback fully, introduce the hypothetical or real organization)

6. Context of the problem – (Using your professor’s feedback refine the context of the problem) provide specific details about patterns observed or tangible evidence that the problem impacts productivity and efficiency. This creates a compelling need for change and intervention. If possible, include statistical data and quotes from workers to support each statement you make:

· How do you know it’s a problem?

· Specifically, what is the problem?

7. Needs Assessment Analysis – (Using your professor’s feedback refine the needs assessment analysis):

· Direct observation

· Questionnaires

· Consultation with persons in key positions, and/or with specific knowledge

· Review of relevant literature

· Interviews

· Focus groups

· Assessments/surveys

· Records & report studies

· Work samples

8. Proposed Organization Behavior Interventions/plan must include Using your professor’s feedback refine the OBI:

· Goals and objections (Goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-constrained).

· It should also state assumptions and constraints.

9. Required Resources (for the intervention) – Using your professor’s feedback refine the required resources.

10. Timeline – (Include a table)

11. Anticipated resistance (How to deal with resistance).

12. Potential benefit(s) – How much the intervention will cost and what sponsorship is required to make it a success (cost savings). Your proposal should include a table that lists items and the estimated cost. You can also indicate potential sources of funding. By clearly defining all the resources required to conduct the intervention.

13. Suggested Evaluation – must include:

· A clear statement of the intended outcomes of the project

· The evidence that will indicate the extent to which the outcomes are being achieved

· How and from whom the evidence will be collected

· How and by whom the evidence will be analyzed

· How and to whom the results will be reported

· How and by whom the information will be used.

14. Conclusions contextualizing your proposed intervention plan

15. Not less than 15 references (including those from Phases I & II).

Course Project Phase III must be in APA format

Organizational Structure, Control, and Success

Organizational Structure, Control, and Success


In this assignment, you will analyze the role of organizational structure and organizational control in their relationship to organizational success. You will be graded on the quality of your answers, the logic or organization of the report, your language skills, and your writing skills.


For this assignment, identify a company of your choice. You may expand upon a company you have already used, or you may refer to the Library Resources for case studies. Write a 3–4 page paper (not including the title page) in which you respond to the following:

  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s structure and support your analysis with specific examples.
  • Evaluate which two aspects of organizational control are essential for the success of the organization. Support your evaluation with specific examples.
  • Propose a performance management system that would increase the organizational success of the company with valid justification.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Evaluate strategies for developing an organization from an entrepreneurship into a professionally managed organization.

Week 10 Assignment – Leadership Training Webinar

What is Leadership Training?

Week 10 Assignment – Leadership Training Webinar


For this assignment you will create a presentation to explain the aspects of leadership in an organization. The following scenario provides context for you as you create this PowerPoint.


Your manager has asked you to develop training materials to help employees understand the role of leadership within your organization. You will need to deliver this training via webinar for remote staff. Your manager expects you to be polished and ready to deliver a professional webinar and has asked you to submit a recording for her review before the live event. Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library and the Internet to research the topics for this webinar.

If you haven’t already done so, review the preparation activity for this assignment, Hiring Leaders, in Week 9.


Create a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 4–8 slides (one or two slides per topic) in which you discuss each of the following leadership training topics:

Leadership Style and Impact: Assess the three key elements of a leadership style and the impact that those elements can make on business success.

Provide background for your answer and detailed support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.

Motivation: Determine two key ways in which a leader can motivate employees to achieve their goals for the organization.

Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker notes.

Managerial Communication: Give three recommendations for a leader to articulate their vision for the company to employees and other stakeholders.

Provide examples for your answer in your speaker’s notes.

Hiring Leaders: Describe at least two criteria you would use to evaluate whether an applicant’s leadership style is a good fit for your organization.

Provide background for your answer and support for your rationale in your speaker’s notes.

Prepare and record a narrated PowerPoint presentation of 4–8 content slides, with detailed speaker’s notes that discuss each of the leadership training topics and that is professional in presence and tone.

Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

Professional Writing and Narrated PowerPoint Requirements

Your PowerPoint presentation must be visually appealing and follow these formatting requirements:

Use headings on each slide and at least one relevant graphic (photographs, charts, clip art, and so on).

Apply slide design best practices (minimal text, supporting graphics, and proper mechanics, grammar, and spelling) for a professional presentation.

Include a title slide containing the title of the assignment, your name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date.

Provide a properly formatted references list on the last slide.

Note that the title and reference slides are not included in the required number of slides.

Include speaker’s notes for each slide; your speaker’s notes, combined with each slide’s content, must thoroughly address each of the leadership training topics.

Use the Kaltura Desktop App to record your narrated presentation.

You should convey a professional presence and tone in your delivery.

Your video should not be longer than seven minutes to avoid technical difficulties with uploading.

Refer to the following resource if you need help:

Creating and Submitting Video Assignments Using the Kaltura Desktop App.

Leadership – Explain how servant leadership can improve

2 Leadership Questions

Leadership Questions

1. Explain how servant leadership can improve communities and society. Why is leadership courage important to realize these changes? NO REFRENCES FOR THIS QUESTION ONLY A FEW SENTENCES!!!

2. What could lead to Greenleaf’s theology of institutions becoming a viable model for making societal change? What stands in the way of this idea being achievable? Explain how you can integrate Christian principles as a foundation for leading change (using Galatians 5:22-23 or 2 Peter 1:5-9). Strengthen your claims with supporting citations.