Discussion – Identified parameters for your sample population


Watch this video featuring Dr. Kevin Kuznia, Academic Department Chair.

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Prior to beginning work on this assignment, review Chapters 8 and 9 of your textbook.

In this week’s discussion, you identified parameters for your sample population. Now, you will need to create a survey proposal. Your survey must be thorough and persuasive enough to convince your leadership to sponsor your survey.

In your paper,

  • Explain why you want to conduct the survey and what you hope to gain from the survey responses.
  • Identify the type(s) of data you hope to collect.
  • Outline the parameters for your proposed survey, taking into consideration what you believe management wants to know.
  • Create 10 sample questions that will be used in your survey, considering common issues in survey design.
  • Explain your reasoning for choosing your sample questions.

The Survey Proposal assignment

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft WordLinks to an external site. resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper in bold font
      • Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
    • Student’s name
    • Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus)
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Due date
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
    • For assistance on writing Introductions & ConclusionsLinks to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis StatementLinks to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources.
  • The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Waypoint Assignment Submission

The assignments in this course will be submitted to Waypoint.  Please refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment.

  1. Click on the Assignment Submission button below. The Waypoint “Student Dashboard” will open in a new browser window.
  2. Browse for your assignment.
  3. Click Upload.
  4. Confirm that your assignment was successfully submitted by viewing the appropriate week’s assignment tab in Waypoint.

For more detailed instructions, refer to the Waypoint TutorialLinks to an external site..

International Discussion 1- Review the most recent annual report for Microsoft

International Discussion 1

Prior to beginning work on this discussion locate and review the most recent annual report for Microsoft. For this discussion, you need to do some web sleuthing before sharing thoughts on the discussion questions. The goal is to review the topics from many views, synthesize the research, and provide a comprehensive picture of Microsoft in the global marketplace today. Address the following:

  • Begin the web quest by researching current news articles and the most recent annual report for Microsoft.
  • What is the overall global economy projected to be by 2030 and what do you think will be the highest growth divisions for Microsoft at that time and in what geographic areas? Support your projections with at least two credible and recent sources.
  • Share a news link to an article that you found that describes Microsoft interacting with a nongovernmental organization (NGO) or foreign government. Share your link (please cite it), briefly summarize the article, and include a description of the importance/role of the NGO or government entity.
  • Next, share a news link to an article that describes a cultural challenge or ethical dilemma Microsoft faced outside of the United States. Share your link (please cite it), briefly summarize the article, and include your own thoughts on how Microsoft might have handled the problem differently to ameliorate the situation.


System Analysis And Design – Business vs Functional

System Analysis And Design

 Research a scholarly paper on Gathering Requirements” and reflect on only one (1) of the following:

  • “Business vs Functional”: How is the difference between a Business Requirement and Functional Requirement? 
  • “Structure”: How is a Requirement written? 
  • “Interactive Methods”: Which of the following is more beneficial: interviewing, questionnaires, sampling, document analysis, observation, or text analytics?
  • “CCB”: What is a Change Control Board?

This paper must exceed two pages, address what caught your eye, and reflect on what you read. 
Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion.
You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations..
You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference.
Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource.

Discussion – There is no standard definition for big data


Prior to completing this discussion forum, read Chapter 21 of your textbook.

There is no standard definition for big data or data mining. In this discussion forum, we follow the general definitions used in our textbook. “Big data” refers to a dataset that is too complex and big to apply traditional data analysis methods. “Data mining” is discovery-oriented in comparison to traditional databases when users know what they are looking for in the database.

Our textbook refers to the four Vs (i.e., volume, variety, velocity, and veracity) that make the big data big. Volume or the size is what everyone corresponds with big data, but the other three variables contribute to the complexity that is associated with big data.

In your post,

  • Provide an example of a company that is collecting big data for competitive advantage. Explain how each of the three Vs, outside the volume, is helping the company achieve competitive advantage.
  • Explain the values of data mining in a business and at least three challenges in managing a data mining project.