SKW5007 Unit 3 Discussion

UNIT3 SWK5007 


Interactional Model of Leadership

In your An Introduction to Group Work Practice text, the authors present information on the interactional model of leadership. What is this model, and how does it affect the process of the group? Provide an example that demonstrates your answer.


Case Work and Group Work

What is the difference between case work and group work? What interventions you would use with each? How are those interventions alike, and how are they different?

Science can be defined as a systematic approach to acquiring

Week 1 Discussion Biology

Science can be defined as a systematic approach to acquiring knowledge. Science is based upon facts and evidence rather than beliefs or superstitions. To understand Biology and science, you must first examine how scientific knowledge is obtained.  Science is a process that involves several steps.  Read the description of the steps involved in the scientific method in the text paying close attention to the steps outlined in Section 1.3. Then pick one of the examples below and describe the steps of the scientific method you would use to test the question or find the solution to the problem. In other words, please design a virtual experiment (using the steps of the scientific  prediction, experiment/test, controls, results, conclusions).

  1. Will chilling an onion before cutting it keep you from crying?
  2. If you shake up different kinds or brands of soft drinks (e.g., carbonated), will they all spew the same amount?
  3. Do all breakfast cereals that say they have 100% of the U.S. recommended daily allowance (RDA) for iron really have the same amount?
  4. Are all potato chips equally greasy (you can crush them to get uniform samples and look at the diameter of a grease spot on brown paper)? Is greasiness different if different oils are used (e.g., peanut versus soybean)?
  5. Does eating breakfast have an effect on school performance?
  6. Do the same types of mold grow on all types of bread?
  7. Does increasing the ethylene concentration ripen fruit more quickly?
  8. Can you use a household water filter to remove flavor or color from other liquids?
  9. Does the power of a microwave affect how well it makes popcorn?
  10. Can you tell/taste the difference between ground beef, chuck, and round after they have been cooked?

Discussion 5 – Criminal Victim Studies

Criminal Victim Studies Discussion Board 5

Computer technology has provided the criminal justice system with a number of benefits such as program algorithms that identify scanned fingerprints and facial recognition.  It has increased intelligence and record keeping capabilities.  However, it has provided literally millions of potential victims of crime.  It started out with financial crimes (such as fraud and ransom software), and it progressed to coaxing victims to locations for murder, rape, and kidnapping.  Victims of computer crimes include the criminal using social media as a weapon.  

The commander of a newly formed cyber-crime unit is very knowledgeable about fraud and various financially motivated viruses.  The one thing he is not that familiar with is the impact that social media has on victims of crimes such as cyber bullying and cyber stalking.

The commander has you temporarily attached from the human trafficking and sex crimes unit to bring his cyber teams up to date on how to understand what cyber victims of stalking and bullying are going through and how best to approach them for maximum effective investigation.

Devise a plan on explaining the aspects of cyber bullying and cyber stalking to the cyber-crime unit.

Focus your discussion on the following:

  • Explain why comments made on social media are so impactful on the emotions of the victim.
  • Identify the types of cyber-crimes that may ultimately lead to a physical crime against the victim
  • Advise the cyber-crime unit team members on what types of assurances should they provide the victim to obtain his or her cooperation in the investigation and to ultimately keep him or her safe.

Discussion – Genetic Testing, Genetic diagnostic testing

Discussion 1.2 – Genetic Testing

Genetic diagnostic testing has been developed for many individuals with a history of disease in their families.  The testing can identify if an individual has a defective gene.

For this discussion, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic testing.

  • Include whether or not you would have genetic testing done.
  • Explain your answer.

Discussion Expectations:  

The minimum requirements for class discussions are to respond directly to the discussion prompt and to respond to at least two other posts, by other students or the instructor, by the end of the week. The discussion will close on the due date and will NOT be reopened for a late submission. 

What is meant by homeland security enterprise

  What is meant by “homeland security enterprise”? Who are the key players in the U.S. Intelligence Community and how do they work together to combat terrorism? 



In the Active Learning threaded discussion area, using materials assigned in this module, respond to the stated question, including any relevance to and implications on the field of homeland security and defense. These discussions are intended to create thought-provoking, lively, and respectful discussions. Remarks can include your opinion(s), but must be based on experience, research, and/or prior learning. 

no plagiarism 

two pages long and detailed please 

turn it in required