Family Literacy Event Proposal

Family Literacy Event Proposal

Planning For a Family Literacy Event

For this assignment, you will develop a Proposal for a small Family Literacy Event that you can create at your school/preschool setting. Keep the ideas for the event simple and the focus on building relationships with families and on authentic engagements with real books. *Remember that you will not be required to actually create this event; you are just developing a usable proposal for the event that takes all of your learning from this course into consideration.

What you will submit:

Part One:

· A description of your the setting including grade level, your role in the setting and a proposed number of participants for your event (this proposal should be for a small event, not a schoolwide event).

· Select one of the reading tip sheets linked below and explain how you will use this with families. Plan to include a read aloud and demonstrate some of the tips on the tip sheet.

· Reading Tip Sheets for Parents

· Links to an external site.


· Explain how you will share information with families about resources in the community (including library resources for your community).


· Describe how you might learn from families about home literacy practices and how you might use this knowledge to help enrich the literacy learning in the classroom.

· Describe how you might use at least ONE of the ideas described in your Accelerating Literacy textbook for your proposed event. (Find these in Part II of your book).

One approach that you might explore is to connect with parents of children in an after-school program and offer to provide a 30 minute workshop around a read aloud. Demonstrate an interactive read-aloud with students and offer parents some tips (see link above) on how to support literacy learning at home though simple things like conversation, songs, simple activities, books to provide literacy enrichment and a love for reading.

Part Two:

Reflecting on this assignment:

Write a reflection on your growth and new learning around this assignment.

· How did your research into literacy learning needs for the discussion assignment influence your literacy learning event?

· Do you think that you could help meet a recognized need in the community?

· What might your vision be for expanding on your ideas for this event?

· Reading Tip Sheets for Parents

· Links to an external site.

· The Resources at Your Library

· Links to an external site.




Part 1,2,3 – Marketing Sales Strategies

Marketing Sales Strategies

Part 1: Identify a Problem – Case Study on WORD Document 2-3 pages:

Pick a company that has a problem with sales. Create a case study using the following format:

· Introduce the problem

How did the problem begin? Where did the problem surface? Who is being affected by the problem?

· Break down the problem

What specific examples can you provide related to the problem and its effects on the company?

· Explain what is causing the problem

· Break down issues related to the causes.

Create a fishbone diagram showing the causes of the problem (include a visual of the fishbone diagram):

Part 2 – Explain solutions to the problem on POWERPOINT 7-10 slides

For this part of this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation explaining your proposed solutions to the problem. Use the following format for your presentation

· Introduce the background of the problem

· Describe and breakdown the solutions to the problem.

· Provide research that supports your solutions to the problem

Some parts of the presentation might include:

· Needs Assessment: What do they need to help the organization solve their problem? I am open to see any logistics, marketing leadership, management, statistics, ethical standards, and technological needs.

· Scope and limitations: What is the scope of the project? What are the limitations?

· Implementation Plan and Timeline: How will you implement the proposed solution to your problem? Clearly described step by step actions. Who will be in charge? What will happen? When will each of the proposed actions happen?

Part 3 – Budget needed to solve the problem on EXCEL.

For this part of the assignment, you will create a budget that the company will need to solve the problem. You are proposing the budget so please include all parts of the problem that need resolution and what pieces you will need for the solutions (along with estimated costs). You will also need at least 5 references (in APA format) showing where the data comes from. This must be accurate data (not made-up data):

· Show a bar chart or pie chart (or similar type of visual for the spreadsheet)

· Budget Table: You are given $100K to budget for your project.

Marketing – Selling Process, Sales is the driving force behind


Selling Process

Sales is the driving force behind the success or failure of a company. This week, please share your thoughts related to the different approaches of companies to achieve their sales goals and motivate staff. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

· Post examples of different companies in your local area. What sales strategies are they using to get you to buy their goods or services?

· Sales drives organizational success and without proper motivation sales can suffer. Share your thoughts on ways that companies can motivate and manage their sales staff.

· What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest to your professional development and/or academic journey?

Research a scholarly paper or professional video

Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Systems Roles” and reflect on only one (1) of the following:

  • What is the difference between a Systems Analysts, a Business Analyst, a Data Analyst and a super-users and what other ‘people’ roles deal with business systems?