What experiences have you had with Evidence Based

Refl Arm

write 2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week. 

  • What experiences have you had with Evidence Based Practice or Quality Improvement in your practice area?
  • What factors in your practice area support EBP? What barriers to EBP do you see?
  • What do you think your role in research will be as a Nurse Practitioner?

My current area is of a ER nurse so discuss something like that and my role will be a psychiatric nurse practitioner 

1 APA reference within 5 years

CIS340 Unit 6 – Free Speech and Censorship on Social Media

Unit 6 Journal Assignment – Free Speech and Censorship on Social Media

CIS340: Computer Ethics


Throughout the term, you will keep a journal that you will add to every other week by reflecting on questions or scenarios that pertain to that week’s topic(s). Although not required, to ensure comprehension of each week’s material, you should first review the self-assessment questions in the textbook at the end of the assigned chapter(s). These questions relate to the journal topic and can help you formulate your thoughts and writing. This week, you will compose a journal entry reflecting on your experiences and how it has influenced your thinking on the following questions/scenarios: Discuss the proliferation of social media and the positive and negative effects it has had on free speech and the ability to both express and monitor ideas. Specifically: Social Media companies such as Twitter and Facebook have been in the news and before Congress recently, indicating how influential they have become in our public discourse and our ability to express and spread ideas. Recent decisions to ban users, including former President Trump, and to block or add disclaimers to certain stories, have raised questions about social media’s power and influence. This has led to questions regarding the applicability of the Communications Decency Act (CDA), how to address misinformation, and the potential risks, consequences, and ethics of stifling certain speech. Answer the following questions as you develop your thoughts and compose a journal entry on the topic:

• How has social media changed the way we interact, express ideas, and engage in debate?

• Recall in your readings this week that Section 230 of the CDA protects social media companies from legal liability that might result from what others say on their platforms. Noting that, what responsibility do tech companies have to encourage the free flow of ideas versus monitoring speech and taking steps to discourage harassment, violence, and other forms of potentially harmful speech?

• As private companies, Twitter, Facebook, and others are not bound by the U.S. Constitution, so their decisions to monitor and censor speech may be legal, but are they ethical? Should companies be required to honor constitutional rights?

• What are your thoughts on what some people refer to as “cancel culture” (i.e., individual and coordinated efforts to encourage boycotts, call for people to be fired from jobs, have students expelled from college, etc.) simply for expressing an unpopular opinion?

U.S Government – What does it take to change a voter

U.S Government

1.) What does it take to change a voter-led Initiative in Arizona? Why is that significant?


(1 Paragraph, 4-5 sentences) Use the Scholarly resource provided above.

2.) What document or process guides Arizona’s government?

(1 paragraph, 4-5 sentences) Use 1 scholarly resource. 

CIS213 Unit 4 Discussion – Work vs Product Breakdown

CIS 213 DB 4

Unit 4 Discussion: Work vs Product Breakdown

Compare and contrast the use of a Work Breakdown Structure versus a Product Breakdown Structure. Use an example of a business IT project you know of or have researched to clearly illustrate your points and understanding of these two breakdown structures. Additionally, please respond to two other classmates’ posts. 

Video Module 1 – Postmodernism became the leading


After watching the video, please reflect on the question below:

Postmodernism became the leading intellectual movement in the late twentieth century. It has replaced modernism, the philosophy of the Enlightenment. For modernism’s principles of objective reality, reason, and individualism, it has substituted its own precepts of relative feeling, social construction, and groupism. This substitution has spread to major cultural institutions such as education, where it manifests itself as race and gender politics, political correctness, multiculturalism, and the rejection of science and technology.

In your views, What are some implications of postmodernism in education?