Surveillance Measures in Epidemiology

Surveillance Measures in Epidemiology

Epidemiology has a variety of sub-disciplines. Each of these sub-disciplines has different measures they use to determine the severity or communicability of various diseases. The two classic measures are incidence and prevalence. However, there are other measures of disease measurement, which can include:



Cumulative Incidence

Incidence Density

Incidence Rate


Period Prevalence

Point Prevalence


Case Fatality Rate 

Proportionate Mortality Rate

Age Specific Death Rate

Age-Adjusted Rate

Direct Age Adjustment

Indirect Age Adjustment

Years of Potential Life Lost

Outbreak Specific Calculations

R0 (R naught or Reproductive Ratio)

Attack Rate (usually used for foodborne pathogens)

Secondary Attack Rate (used for any communicable disease to describe the percentage of secondary cases)


In this discussion, you will select top 3 diseases in the U.S. and explain each on of them with minimum of 500 words each. You will need to search the Morbidity and Mortality Week Report, Emerging Infectious Disease Journal, Preventing Chronic Diseases Journal.

HIUS313 – U.S. Congress during the 1790s Assignment


The Short Paper: U.S. Congress during the 1790s Assignment will allow you to research the early American Congressional sessions and better understand the century of lawmaking during the American founding. The assignment’s purpose is to enhance the historian’s grasp of the early
American founding era by investigating and interpreting primary and secondary source evidence.
You will write a 2-page short research paper on a key person, event, idea, action, or another important aspect of the congressional debates of the 1790s, which include the sessions of the 1st through 5th Congress. The paper must use at a minimum 3 scholarly sources (2 primary from the
Annals of Congress and 1 secondary) and apply current Turabian formatting throughout. The paper must be a full 2 pages but must not exceed 2 ¼ pages with footnotes applied. So be concise in your writing and verify proper citations, including the use of footnote Ibid. and shortened versions.
Overall, you must:
1) Identify the key person, event, idea, or action from the 1790s congressional sessions.
2) Provide a very brief historical narrative of the identified topic.
3) Explain the significance of your selected topic.
4) Rationalize how this key person, event, idea, or action impacted the development of America.
Your paper body must include an identifiable introduction with a well-crafted thesis statement and summative conclusion.  The title page and bibliography do not count toward the 2-2 ¼ page requirement. No headings should be used (except on the Bibliography page). Also, the paper
must be written in the third person. You should utilize the template from the LU Online Writing Center – Writing Style Guide website. (See the The Library of Congress’s Annals of Congress link in the Short Paper: U.S. Congress during the 1790s Resources Section.) There are 3 ways to search the Annals of Congress using the search links on the left corner of the webpage (see image below). However, it is strongly suggested that you use the “Browse Page Headings” feature to review an index of page headings.


HIUS 313
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NOTE: Citations for the Annals of Congress and all congressional documents are very specific within Turabian formatting. The footnotes will NOT include the name of the speaker(s). Follow this example:1 Annals of Congress, 1st Cong., 2nd sess., 975. Bibliographic citations are not normally required for specific speeches in Congress unless such speeches are critical to paper or article, as is the case with this assignment. Thus, bibliographic citations should follow this format: Nathaniel Macon, “Speech on the Alien Laws,” in Annals of Congress, 5th Congress, 3rd 

United States Constitution – Imagine it is 1787. Like many people

United States Constitution

Imagine it is 1787. Like many people living in the United States, you hold strong beliefs about the ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution and have concerns about how this proposed government will affect your community. Being a civic-minded citizen, you have decided to compile and distribute information about the proposed U.S. Constitution.

Apply your skills of influence and persuasion to create an informational pamphlet or brochure to help the people in your community decide whether or not to oppose or support ratification.

Your pamphlet or brochure should:

  • Differentiate between the Federalist/Anti-Federalist positions.
  • Identify 2 concerns each side deemed important.
  • Explain why the Federalists did not want a Bill of Rights, but the anti-Federalists did.
  • Defend your viewpoints on the issues.

Use one of the following template options or a program of your choice: 

  • Brochure/pamphlet template in Microsoft® Word
  • Microsoft Sway

Psychology Assignment 2 –  Identity Mapping

Psychology Assignment 2

In total 6-8 pages,double spaced, and Answer 5 questions

1. Identity Mapping

Write your name in the centre of a page in large bold letters (you can do this by hand or on a computer). Consider all the roles you may identify within the different facets of your life, the adjectives that best describe you, and/or other salient aspects of your life that define your identity (e.g., vegetarian, grandfather, was a pastor). Connect them in whatever way makes sense for you. There is no right or wrong way to do this. You can use drawings, colours, symbols, words…whatever you need to reflect your multiple selves.

Reflect on some of the following topics: Which identities are present? Which identities are ascribed to you by others and which are chosen? How do these multiple identities fit together? Are there any that conflict or don’t go together?

2. Identity Formation, Change, & Stability

Have any identities changed for you over your life? Which identities have you explored the most? Has change in your identity over time been shaped by major events and challenges, or by “small stories”? Do you resonate with the idea of identity formation being a long-term dynamic process?

You do not need to answer concretely each of these prompts. But reflect on these themes and discuss the ones that resonate most with your self-understanding and that incorporate course material.

3. Integrate and write about the similarities and discrepancies between your experiences and theirs. Also write about the similarities and differences between your predictions and their responses. Did any of their responses surprise you? Provide whatever context you need based on your pre-interview reflections and the interview itself in order to make your post-interview reflections comprehendible. You can organize this in whatever way makes sense to you. Multiple avenues of expression are allowed. Just be sure to tie your reflections to course material. Please do not share personal details about another person that they would not want shared.

4. Reflect on discrepancies between your predictions and their responses. Did any of their responses surprise you? Have your beliefs or feelings about members who share that identity changed? Why or why not? Provide whatever context you need based on your pre-interview reflections and the interview itself in order to make your post-interview reflections comprehendible. You can organize this in whatever way makes sense to you. And multiple avenues of expression are allowed. Just be sure to tie your reflections to course material. Please do not share personal details about another person that they would not want shared.


5.Summary Reflection

Reflecting on the three parts of this volume, has any theme emerged in your thinking?

Week 9 Assignment – One of the major responsibilities

Week 9 Assignment


One of the major responsibilities of HR is to, of course, manage human capital. This continues after employee hiring and continues through termination and succession. Having effective policies in place that define these, and other functions in between, is critical to an organization’s commitment to ethical, legal, fair, and efficient operating practices. In this assignment, you are asked to share best practices or policies on these topics during a series of brown bag sessions (these are informal lunch time presentations).


Imagine that HR leadership is busy integrating the HR teams from both hospitals and they want to make sure department members are operating in concert with one another on a range of topics. Over the next several weeks, leadership plans to have you conduct three brown bag sessions (informal lunch-time presentations) that examine the topics of record keeping, ethics and law, and succession planning. They have asked you to write an executive summary of the content planned for each session in advance. 

Session Descriptions:

  • Session 1: Maintaining Accurate Employee Records—In this session, you identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records. 
  • Session 2: Ethical and Legal Termination—In this session, you examine the legal and ethical aspects of selecting and terminating an employee out of a group of people with similar performance, behaviors, and jobs as a part of a broad-ranging cost saving initiative. Employee differences:
    • One has a disability.
    • One is paid significantly more than others.
    • One is 60 years of age and older than the others.
    • One is planning on soon taking an extended family leave
  • Session 3: Succession Planning—In this session, you recommend a process to identify and groom an internal candidate to move into a senior-level leadership position in a health care organization such as CEO, COO, and CFO.


Consider the scenario above and imagine that your audience is a group of department managers. Write an executive summary that introduces the topics in an introductory paragraph and then describes the content to be delivered in each of the three sessions in detail. Each session description should be two pages in length (six total pages plus cover page).Your work will be measured against the following criteria:

  1. Identify, and elaborate upon, four reasons for maintaining accurate and objective employee records. 
  2. Analyze the legal implications or requirements of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference specific statutes or laws that govern this area of employment law.)
  3. Analyze the ethical facets of a termination decision. (Make sure to reference an ethical framework to support your assertions or positions.)
  4. Recommend and justify a process to identify and groom a candidate for a senior-level position.