BIOS242 Week 1 Lab Safety

BIOS242, Week 1-OL

Lab 1: Lab Safety

Learning Objectives

· Use the correct clothing to work in the lab

· Describe the do’s and don’ts in a laboratory

· Correctly use the lab safety equipment

· React in an emergency situation

Introduction: About Lab safety virtual simulations lab Laboratories can be very dangerous, especially if you’ve never set foot in one before. So in this simulation, you’ll get the chance to make your debut in a virtual one! You will learn how to use the lab safety equipment, and how to react in case of an emergency. Detect and eliminate sources of danger and pass on your lab safety knowledge to friends.

Identify hazards Safety first! Always pay attention to potential hazards when you enter a lab. In this simulation, you will create a tidy and safe working environment by identifying and eliminating hazards in the lab. You will be introduced to the lab safety rules and the safety equipment, which will help you and your colleagues, if something was to go wrong in a real lab.

Emergency training You will be introduced to the basic hazard symbols used to categorize dangerous materials. You’ll use this knowledge to prevent dangerous situations, like acid spills. But you will also learn how to deal with unlabeled, potentially hazardous chemicals. By mastering such situations in this simulation, you won’t have to worry about being exposed to any real danger. You will learn how to operate the eye-wash and also get an introduction to various other pieces of lab safety equipment.

Spread your knowledge It is important to share your newly acquired knowledge with your colleagues. In this simulation, you will meet your friend Lucy who’s never worked in a lab before. Pass on your lab safety knowledge and help her dress appropriately for a day in the lab.

Will you be able to apply your knowledge, and make sure that you and your friend stay safe in the laboratory?

1. Purpose: Please describe in complete sentences and in your own words, the purpose of this experiment.

2. Why is it important to wear closed toe shoes in lab?

3. What is the importance of cleaning work bench before and after use?

4. If you have spillage or work bench contamination, what are the steps required to make the surface sterile again?

5. What are the different types of hazardous material generated in Micro lab? Give some ways of their proper disposal.

6. Write a reflection on this lab exercise- 5 sentences on what you learned with this simulation.

IT190 Discussion 10 – Cyber loafing has become a significant issue

IT190 Dis 10

Cyber loafing has become a significant issue for companies today. Cyber loafing costs companies millions of dollars each year. As a result, some companies have chosen to use various technologies to either prevent or catch employees that are spending their time online or on their cell phones doing non-work-related activities such as shopping, playing games, or socializing.

Complete some research on cyber loafing.

What are the costs to companies? How much time do employees spend doing non-work-related activities? What are some of the tools employers are using? What are the laws in your state related to the use of these tools? Do you think the use of these tools is ethical? Why or why not?

IT190 Discussion 9 – Your company has noticed a substantial

IT190 Dis 9

Your company has noticed a substantial decline in productivity over the past months and wants to find out why. The CEO has asked you about network controls and monitoring that they might use within the company. Begin by researching the laws, both nationally and in your state, regarding employers and network monitoring. Next, suggest some devices and/or software the company might employ to help keep employees on task, or in the alternative, to identify when they are not. Finally, explain how you would implement the plan. Would you tell the employees that they are being monitored? Why or why not?

Psychology Discussion – First, for this class and all others

Psychology Discussion

First, for this class and all others in the program, you should only use professional sources.
Doing a “Google” search and citing general websites is not appropriate for graduate-level or professional work. However, most of our clients and their families will use the “Google it” approach. For this assignment (this one only), I am asking you to act like a client or general consumer by checking out internet sources.
For many people with disorders, one of the first lines of “treatment” they voluntarily pursue is to look for internet resources. Do a search on the internet for one of the impulse control disorders.
Review at least 3 of the sources you find. Identify the type of information available, research support, level of professional application (and validity), who the target audience is (professional,family member, individual…), and the general usefulness of the resource. Be sure to provide a reference list for the sources.