SOCI210 Discussion Chap 6 – You can be straight


This chapter can be tough for people to comprehend. You can be straight or gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, asexual, and more. Some folks maintain that our sexuality is not fixed but fluid (meaning susceptible to change) over time.

There is scientific evidence to support this. Most people don’t acknowledge sexual attraction to others (regardless of gender).

Whoa, don’t scroll down on the last article if you are squeamish:(

Do you think a person can be sexually fluid? Support your answer.

SOCI210 Discussion Chap 5 – Gender Inequality at Work

Soci210 Chap 5 DB

Gender Inequality at Work

Take a look on page 189 of your textbook at the video How Does Gender Affect the Workplace.

I don’t know if this link will work or not (might be just for me).!/4

Or go to the text , go to chapter 5, then to page 189.

Women still often work in areas similar to the roles they play when not at work?

On the positive side, recent reports show more women in the workplace than men. Does quantity=higher pay? Not necessarily.

Some positive statistics:

Less positive but a year older

What do you see in your workplace? In government and teaching jobs, I see very little inequality. Same jobs=same pay. In corporate America, it’s more uneven, in construction/trucking, uneven. Other areas? Where do you work or plan to work?

Do you foresee problems with gender inequality in your future work?

SOCI320 – Healthcare in the U.S. by Age, Gender

Soci320 4a

Healthcare in the U.S. by Age, Gender, Class, and Race

Scientists collect statistics on who gets healthcare and what factors might influence the care received. Social epidemiology is the study of how health and disease are distributed throughout a society’s population. It helps scientists figure out what factors are influential, such as age, gender, social class, and race.

  • Age: People who die at a younger age are considered rare and tragic, but young people still die of accidents and sometimes tragic diseases.
  • Gender: Males display riskier behavior throughout their lives, are four times more likely to be killed as a result of homicide, and, later in life, are more likely to die of heart disease. Women are more likely to outlive men in general by about five years.
  • Social class: About ten years separates the highest and the lowest class in the U.S. in terms of life expectancy. Income affects how you feel about your health and the healthcare and medical attention you receive.
  • Race: Although all families want good health and are willing to seek treatment when needed, the poverty level of African Americans is three times that of whites. They are more likely to die in infancy, and, as adults, are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as die from violence or drug abuse. The life expectancy for white children is about four years longer than that of African American children.

Younger deaths are the ones considered tragic. Older deaths are considered normal and expected.

Does our distribution of illness and death epidemiologically make sense? What is the worst loss of life that could be prevented?

Economic prosperity, as measured by GDP per person

Learning Objectives

• Economic prosperity, as measured by GDP per person, varies substantially around the world. 

• The standard of living in an economy depends on the economy’s ability to produce goods and services. 

• Government policies can try to influence the economy’s growth rate in many ways.

• The accumulation of capital is subject to diminishing returns. 

• Population growth has a variety of effects on economic growth. 

There are four major determinants of economic growth: 

• human resources

• natural resources

• capital

• technology

write a 4-page paper, double space, 12-point font.  Include a graph and table.  Cite a minimum of 5 sources.  The citing style is at your discretion; however, make sure the format is accurate.

Week 7 Discussion – ASCA Real-life examples

Read Description (Child Dev)

1. Week 7 – Discussion: ASCA Real-life examples

  • Review one of the real-life examples Links to an external site.: (1) Personal/Social Lesson Links to an external site.(2) Career Lesson Links to an external site.(3) Academic Lesson Links to an external site.and share how the lesson meets induvial student needs or interests and will enhance student skills and knowledge within the areas reviewed.

2. MUST include a statement based on PERSONAL EXPERIENCE (Course is School counseling) 

Reading Reference: 

Kolbert, J. B., Crothers, L. M., & Hughes, T. L. (2016). Introduction to Professional School Counseling. Taylor & Francis. to an external site.

American School Counseling Association. (n.d.). Lesson Plan: Career Domain