Case Management Methods And Models Proposal

Case Management Methods And Models Proposal

While case managers do not normally sit around discussing which model or method of case planning they are using, any good project or program determines early on which methods or models make the most sense for the work they are engaging in. To practice case management, practice applying these models and methods to realistic situations to explore the impact of choosing one method over another.

Imagine you are developing your own human services agency for clients reentering the community after incarceration. You must determine an effective case management model and present it to your stakeholders.

Write a 550-word essay for your human services agency that describes the best case management model for your population.

For your proposal you should:

· Identify the population your agency will serve.

· Describe the types of services the agency will provide.

· Identify any potential barriers to care faced by the population served.

· Compare 2 case management models and propose the model you believe will best serve this population.

· Justify your selection with research on how this model can assist this population.

· Provide an example of how a human services worker would provide services using this model.

Include: a title page and a reference page.

Week 4 Discussion – What actions can individual health care

Week Four Discussion

Choose ONE of the two topics below to write about for the Week Four Discussion.  

Option 1 – What actions can individual health care providers take in the next three years to advance the benefits of telehealth for their profession?

Option 2 – What is the value proposition for healthcare providers to participate in an immunization registry?

Week 5 Discussion – S.P. is a 75-year-old woman who presents

AHA-WK 5 Disc

Option 2

S.P. is a 75-year-old woman who presents to the provider’s office with fatigue.

Subjective Data

PMH: HTN, hyperlipidemia, MI 3 years ago

Fatigue started about a month ago, getting worse

Relieved with rest, exacerbated with activity

Denies chest pain

Ankles swollen

Objective Data

Vital signs: T 37 P 112 R 18 BP 110/54

Lungs: bilateral lower lobe crackles

O2 Sat = 94%

Skin = cool to touch

CV = heart rate regular, positive peripheral pulses, ECG = no changes

+2 edema bilateral ankles

Medications: Metoprolol 20 mg per day, 325 mg of aspirin per day


  1. What other questions should the nurse ask about the fatigue?
  2. What other assessments are necessary for this patient?
  3. What are some causes of fatigue?
  4. Develop a problem list from the objective and subjective data.
  5. What should be included in the plan of care?
  6. Based on the readings, what is this patient’s most likely cause of fatigue?

Week 5 Discussion – M.C. is a 69-year-old man who presents

AHA-WK 5 Disc

Discussion Post #3 

Option 1

M.C. is a 69-year-old man who presents to the outpatient office with a hacking, raspy cough.

Subjective Data


Cough is productive, bringing up green phlegm

Runny nose, sore throat

Denies fever

Sore throat pain when swallowing

No history of smoking or seasonal allergies

Complains of fatigue

Objective Data

Vital signs: T 37 P 72 R 14 BP 134/64

Lungs: + Rhonchi bilateral upper lobes, wheeze

O2 Sat = 98%

Ears = TM bulging

Nose = + erythema, yellow discharge

Throat = + erythema, – pustules

Medications: Metoprolol 12.5 mg per day, Glucophage 500 mg twice a day


  1. What other questions should the nurse ask about the cough?
  2. Develop a problem list from the objective and subjective data.
  3. What nursing diagnoses can be derived from the problems list?
  4. What should be included in the plan of care?
  5. What risk factors are associated with this age group?
  6. Based on the readings, what is the most likely cause of this patient’s cough?


(Image: Female Holding Head in Discomfort)

Week 2 Part 1&2 – How might a leader’s values increase


Part 1  

First, for this DQ discuss (: the importance of being “nimble” in all aspects of a firm’s operation – that is, to be in a position to be maximally flexible, adaptable, and speedy in response to change.)  1-2 page

· How might a leader’s values increase or decrease their effectiveness as they approach their role? 

· How might a leader’s emotional intelligence increase or decrease their effectiveness in a leadership role?


Part 2  

Research a prominent current or historical organizational leader from your country and develop a 3-to-4 page APA-formatted paper discussing the following: 

· Brief biography on the leader you selected

· Describe key reasons why you admire the leader (providing specific examples of actions & behaviors that the leader used with respect to the five practices of exemplary leadership)

· Evaluate to what extent the leader had credibility, where it stemmed from, and whether there were areas for the leader to improve.

Be sure to cite and reference your sources throughout the paper. Your paper should include at least three (3) sources from which you gathered your information.