Science II – Current Topics on Environment Issues

Science II 

Assignment 1: Current Topics on Environment Issues

Select one of the environmental issues below. Write an essay presenting the information related to the topics. You should present the following information and place illustrations and videos that clarify the information:

· What does it consist of?

· What causes it?

· Impact on the environment

· Current situation

· Mitigation measures

Topics to be assigned:


· Climate change

· Depletion of the ozone layer

· Acid rain


· Erosion

· Desertification

· Solid and hazardous waste


· World water crisis

· Cultural eutrophication

· Saline intrusion


Science Discussion – Ecological Footprint

Discussion: Ecological Footprint

Investigate the concepts of  Sustainable Development and  Ecological Footprint. Visit  My ecological footprintLinks to an external site.  and complete the questionnaire. Reflect on your impact on the environment and natural resources based on your results in the questionnaire and what is established by Sustainable Development. How does your ecological footprint compare with the average in the world?

Are there things you might want to change as a result?

Discussion – Compare the primary care Nurse practitioner


Compare the primary care Nurse practitioner (NP) role with other advance practice nursing (APN) roles. What are the similarities among the roles, what are the differences, and how would you communicate the role to a healthcare provider and a consumer?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.


SDLC Project Presentation – Imagine you have been hired as an information

SDLC Project Presentation

Imagine you have been hired as an information systems (IS) consultant for Healthy Harvest, a grocery store that sources most of its products from local farmers and producers in the surrounding counties. Healthy Harvest operates in two locations and wants to expand its services online via an app customers can use to order their groceries ahead for pickup or local delivery. 

Healthy Harvest’s owner, Joan, doesn’t know much about the process of developing an information system. She balks at the estimated time it will take to have the app ready for public use, which also translates into time for which she needs to pay you to complete the product. You realize that you need to explain to her the benefits and value of approaching the project using systems analysis and design methodologies and decide to prepare a presentation to help illustrate the process and concepts. 

Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that includes comprehensive speaker notes on the following:

  • Explain the systems development life cycle and 2 methodologies you could use to develop Healthy Harvest’s store app. 
  • Use diagrams and other visuals that illustrate the processes.
  • Explain the importance and benefits of using a structured systems analysis and design approach on this project. Provide an example to illustrate each point.
  • Describe 2 tasks or deliverables in each SDLC phase you will be working on for this project. Explain why each is integral to the project.

Week 15 – Cost of the Health Care System

Week 15

Cost of the Health Care System

Reading 1: Rosenthal Chapters 2 & 3

Reading 2: “Health Care Spending in the US and Other High Income Countries”  Journal of the American Medical Association 2018 (pg1024-1039)

Video 1: The Real Reason American Health Care is So Expensive (6 min)

Video 2: The Economics of Healthcare (10 min)

Guiding Questions:

What aspect of health care does the US spend the most money on?

Why does the US spend more money than other countries?

Does high spending on health care lead to improved health in the population of the US?