Project Management – Every company goes through change

Project Management

Every company goes through change. Sometimes there’s little change, and sometimes change comes quite often. If we had to point to one area of a company that seemingly is constantly changing, it would be the Information Systems Department. This comes as no surprise as technology is constantly changing, be it systems, networks, phones, etc. And to stay competitive, companies must change and adopt new technologies.

But change can be difficult. Often there is internal resistance and therefore we need to get buy-in and acceptance for the project to complete successfully. Because most change happens via the Information Technology (IT) department, they often find themselves as “change agents”, that is, IT has to run the project while implementing new systems. Because of this, we are now introducing you to a change management simulator where you will be leading a change management project.

The simulation attempts to capture both the complexity and dynamic unfolding of events associated with large-scale change. To be successful, you have to figure out how to move the organization through three fundamental, organization-level change phases: (1) mobilization, (2) movement, and (3) sustain. To do so, you must seek to influence nineteen key stakeholders, or change targets (mostly members of the top management team), through four individual-level change stages: (1) awareness, (2) interest, (3) trial, and (4) adoption Some of the change targets are receptive to change, while others are not. Finally, you must determine the proper usage and timing of the eighteen change levers available to you in the simulation. The impact of a lever depends on the urgency of the situation, the power and credibility of the change agent, the network position of the change target, and the phase of the organizational change process. With each round of play, you receive feedback about the impact of your lever choices on the change agent’s organizational-level change, individual-level change, and personal credibility. All of this is incredibly important when either being on a project team, or being a project manager.

  • There are 4 scenarios to complete. You must complete scenario one before you can move on to scenario two, and so on. 
  • Please review all the documents within the simulator before proceeding with the simulation.  

As you go through the 4 scenarios in the simulator, take notes, maybe even screen shots. When you have finished all 4 scenarios, create a 3-5 page change management reflection paper describing:

  • How did you feel running the change management project?
  • Compare your results from the 4 scenarios. Which scenarios were you successful? Why? Did you have any failed scenarios? Why?
  • What worked and what did not work?
  • Were there any common missteps?
  • Did you take time to diagnose and strategize before you began to act?
  • What was your experience with the simulator? Did you like it, dislike it?
  • Do you feel more or less prepared to run a project of change now?
  • Anything else?

The reflection paper should be in APA format using full paragraphs with appropriate section labels.

Business System – What is a System Perspective in systems

Business System

Assignment Research a scholarly paper or professional video on “Business Systems” and reflect on only one (1) of the following:topics: “Systems Perspective”: What is a System Perspective in systems analysis and design? “System Types”: Describe a type of automated system that exists in a business. “Enterprise System”: Describe and provide an example of an Enterprise business system. “Data Driven System”: Describe how a data-driven system is different from other business systems. NOTE: You must copy and paste the topic (“Systems Perspective” or “System Types” or “Enterprise System” or “Data Driven System”) at the start of your paper to provide a context for your answer. This paper must be between 250-300 words on what caught your eye and reflect on what you read. Do not add extraneous text that does not address the question – do not add an introduction or conclusion. Do not copy and paste text from the referenced resource. You must provide at least one APA reference for your resource and corresponding in-text citations. You must provide the referenced resource URL/DOI in the APA reference. Do not use the Textbook as a referenced resource. 

When submitting work, be sure to include an APA cover page and include at least one APA formatted references (and APA in-text citations) to support the work this week. All work must be original (not copied from any source). 1-word document/250-300 words Scholarly Articles and use Reference Course TextBook for concepts APA 7 format, with in-text citation Please attach Plagiarism report

impact the ways you approach learning the content

Having completed your Meyers-Briggs Type Index (MBTI) exercise earlier in this course. Please attach a Word document (.doc or .docx) that meets the following requirements:

Your write a short essay with a length between 300-500 words reflecting on how your knowledge of your particular MBTI type and corresponding learning style might: 1) impact the ways you approach learning the content for this course, 2) impact the ways you can succeed in mastering the content of your degree program, and 3) impact your life outside of the academic setting . Each essay should include critical thinking and evidence quality writing techniques. You may write this essay in first person.

Ray Case study – Ray gains self-confidence from exercising

Ray Case study

Ray gains self-confidence from exercising, socializing with the other team workers at his part-time fast-food job, and honing his woodworking skills. He graduates high school. Ray applies to college with the support of his teacher- mentor and gets a full scholarship. He would be the first in his family to attend college. However, his father George becomes sick with lung cancer the summer before his freshman year of college. Ray doesn’t know where to turn. He is estranged from his father’s side of the family due to a fight George had with his brother years ago.

His mother’s side of the family do not live in the area, and he’s never had a close relationship with them. He feels a sense of obligation to George and guilt for what he’d said about wishing him dead, ray never leaves for college, letting the scholarship lapse. He stays and cares for his father until George dies four months later. Now 18, Ray lives alone with a rescue pit bull named Daisy. He has maintained his fast-food job, but after George’s death, he begins to show up at work late, unshowered, and occasionally drunk. Ray’s boss tells him that he understands he’s grieving, but he can’t show up in that state. The boss puts him on probation. If he is late, skips work, or shows up inebriated again, he will be fired. If Ray loses his job, his housing will be in jeopardy as well. Ray’s work friends encourage him to see a social worker.

Throughout the course, you have been following Ray as he develops biologically, psychologically, and socially, as he makes decisions, and as his social environment changes over time. Now imagine Ray as your client. How would knowledge of HBSE inform his case?

Social workers are expected to apply HBSE, person?in environment, and other multidisciplinary theoretical frameworks during the stages of engagement, assessment, and intervention when practicing in the field.

For this Discussion, you begin exploring Ray’s case by considering how HBSE applies when engaging, assessing, and intervening with Ray.


Reflect on Ray’s case. How might you use knowledge of HBSE to engage, assess, and intervene in the case?

Explain how you might apply knowledge of human behavior and the social environment when engaging, assessing, and intervening with Ray as a social worker.

Unsafe School – Review the impact Prepare a brief paper synthesizing

Unsafe School

Review the impact Prepare a brief paper synthesizing federal, state, and local legislation and/or regulations regarding the school safety related points (Unsafe School Option) in No Child Left Behind. Summarize the review by offering an opinion about “why” our nation moved in the direction required by No Child Left Behind and how “persistently dangerous schools” can be mitigated.

The paper should reflect that you:

Reviewed three websites related to “No Child Left Behind” and provide a brief paragraph description of each web site and school safety related points in the federal regulation.

Identified two primary state statutes that relate to school safety issues and persistently dangerous schools as indicated in No Child Left Behind Act.Refer to your home state for this part of the activity.

Reviewed local school board rules regarding safety and security that may have been inspired by issues as indicated in No Child Left Behind.Refer to your home school district for this part of the activity.

You should be able to accomplish this in four pages or less.All papers must adhere to the most current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

4 pages

What are the predominant elements of the unsafe school options in mississippi.  Explain the option and give example.

Give your opinion as to why we had to come up in the United States the unsafe school options

Explain persistently dangerous school.  Give and example.

Include the definition of persistently dangerous school

What qualifies a school to be persistently dangerous school.  Give example

What kind of crime is considered persistently dangerous 

How many incidents are consider to be persistently dangerous

How often

How can a school that has met the definition of persistently dangerous  school mitigate or prevent and be label as a dangerous school.

What are some of your ideas 

Explain the dangerous persistence school 

Give your opinion and feedback as to why this happens

Review the website about no child left behind and provide a paragraph 

State a status example (Aaron Feis School Guardian Act)

Example of a status about school police

Example of things that are required for a persistently dangerous school.  Example review school policy, and a walk through the school by law enforcement every year.

Give some local rules that became local status.