Identify a time when you were extremely upset or angry

Submit a 2- to 3-page reflection in which you:

· Identify a time when you were extremely upset or angry. Explain the circumstances and who was involved in the situation.

· Reflect on why this situation upset you. Have you been angry over a similar situation before?

· Identify the values in this scenario, and reflect on how this example represents or doesn’t represent who you are as a person.

· Reflect on how you could have viewed this scenario differently and not become angry.

Discussion Microeconomics – Prices serve a rationing function

Discussion Board 1 Microeconomics

Watch the video clip from Jingle All the Way.   (View Transcript.)   

Consider the following:

Prices serve a rationing function. When quantity demanded exceeds quantity supplied, prices rise to alleviate the shortage. When quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded, prices fall to alleviate the surplus. However, when prices are inflexible, shortages and surpluses persist. Other rationing mechanisms must develop.

  1. Using demand and supply analysis, describe a specific situation that you have witnessed where a shortage occurred. Why were prices unable to adjust in this market?
  2. Combining what you learned from your readings as well as from the video clip, what other rationing functions could develop to alleviate that shortage?

Blog: Logical Fallacies – identify and discuss logical fallacies

Blog: Logical Fallacies


In this blog entry, you will identify and discuss logical fallacies.

Chapter 16 details ten common logical fallacies: red herring, bandwagon, slippery slope, false dichotomy, faulty analogy, ad hominem, false authority, questionable causality, hasty generalization, and exaggerated danger. Your research may identify others.

Start your blog by explaining, in your own words, what logical fallacies are and why they should be avoided in persuasive writing. For example, how might logical fallacies affect a writer’s appeal to ethos and logos? How is a fallacious argument different from a bad argument? 

Then, find and identify at least three fallacies in one (or more) persuasive piece. Good places to locate logical fallacies are in advertisements, political speeches, letters to the editor, cartoons, and articles in magazines or newspapers. Name the fallacy type and explain why the example is a fallacy (i.e. What is the flaw in the reasoning?).

Lastly, discuss what you learned from completing this blog activity.

Post CHS298 Unit 2 Knowledge Check Latest 2023

Post CHS298 Unit 2 Knowledge Check 


When dealing with parents, we should always

a.learn and use the parents’ names.

b.treat them as valuable and worthwhile people whom we are happy to see.

c.greet them in a friendly way before launching into questions.

d.all of these.


Uri Bronfenbrenner taught us that

a.the individual person’s interactive experience is “like a set of nested structures, each inside the next, like a set of Russian dolls.”

b.far too many parents of babies and young children today are routinely pressured by time crunches and exhausted by work-induced stress.

c.a child’s development is best understood within the social and cultural context of th child’s family and community.

d.the relationships between human beings and their communities are “mutually shapi

e.all of these.


Accepting cultural differences requires




d.all of these.

e.both respect and bullying.


Enculturation teaches a child to communicate his or her experiences. to be knowledgeable about different cultures. to express his or her needs within the community.

d.the accepted norms and values as well as the language and skills he or she needs to become an accepted member of the community.

e.all of these.


When we think about culture, we should first think about

a.opera, classical ballet, Renaissance paintings, and famous works from around the w

b.the traditional beliefs and patterns of behavior that are passed down from parents to children by a society.

c.the most famous and important works of art, literature, and music that have been cr by Western civilizations.

d.all of these.


The word culture comes from

a.the Greek word culto, which means “family.”

b.the Latin word for child learning, which was closely tied to culture.

c.the Latin root colere, meaning “to occupy, cultivate, or cherish.”

d.none of these.


Who has culture?


b.All socially interacting humans


d.Only adults

e.None of these


Social-emotional intelligence

a.was developed by Rousseau.

b.builds a foundation for success and happiness in life.

c.both is comprised of interrelated emotional and social skills and builds a foundation success and happiness in life. comprised of interrelated emotional and social skills.

e.was emphasized by Vygotsky.


The more the child feels valued and respected by parents and teachers during early childhood, the more likely the child will be to

a.require special attention and tutorial help later in middle and high school.

b.develop coping skills more slowly. back to parents and teachers and argue with peers.

d.follow parents’ and teachers’ rules and keep their values as the child grows up.

e.none of these.


How can you spot bias in media?

a.Check the illustrations.

b.Check the story line.

c.Look at the lifestyles.

d.All of these are correct.

Research Paper Project/Presentation – Fundamentals of Nursing

Research Paper Project/Presentation

Fundamentals of Nursing


***All written work should be in APA format. Refer to APA website.

APA Format (double spaced, 12 font, 1” margins and in-text referencing including page #s, etc.)

The research paper: This project is designed as part of your preparation for the RN role. It is an opportunity for you to teach, and to learn from each other.

The first page of your research paper should include;

1. One learning outcome directed to the audience.

2. A summarized Outline of your paper presentation.

The body of your research paper should include Risk Factors of Obesity (1 page), Signs & Symptoms of Obesity (1 page) Pathophysiology (1 page), Treatment (1 page), Education (1 page) with the accompanying poster/s. All written work should be according to APA format guidelines (i.e. typewritten in size 12 font, New Times Roman and double spaced, etc.)

No thesis or abstract statement needed. The conclusion should include in your own words a selfassessment as to how this teaching project will help you personally in your caring practice.

• References. Should be a total of not less than 7 references. Attributes: Must include: 3 references which are peer reviewed current nursing articles (within last 5 years)

Additional sources must be included in your Annotated Bibliography. – Not all topics acquired from CINHAL and OVID are from nursing journals and written by nurses

• Annotated Bibliography.

Each entry in the Annotated Bibliography should include two components:

a. A brief summary of the article.

b. An evaluation statement as to the usefulness of this article in your research paper.

There are 2 parts to the annotation:

c. Ex. 1. This article explains the accurate measurement of BMI.

d. This is a valuable source for this paper or informative but too in-depth for my research.

***All written work should be in APA format. Refer to APA website.

APA Format (double spaced, 12 font, 1” margins and in-text referencing including page #s, etc.)