Established Classroom Management Plans

Established Classroom Management Plans

Established Classroom Management Plans Review two established classroom management plans. (Review established classroom management theories, plans, and specific techniques from online sources. Write a summary report. Include all information and website.

Write a summary of the plan:

List title, author, and summary of a supporting article about the plan:

Your Summary. Answer questions based on what you read and what you have observed in classrooms.

1. What were the main ideas to the plan that you feel were the strongest? What ideas were the weakest?

2. What elements would you use in your classroom? Explain why. What elements would you not use? Explain why.

3. Explain elements you observed from the plan in local classrooms. Do you think that this plan would be successful in classrooms you have observed.

List all links to websites, articles, etc. that you reviewed related to the plan.

BKR – 2023


Discussion – Your project sponsor pulls you aside and admits


Question 1:

· Your project sponsor pulls you aside and admits that she has no idea what earned value management (EVM) concepts, such as AC, BCWP, and EV, mean; she is only concerned that you deliver the project ahead of schedule and under budget. Using the information from your readings and other activities, develop a project to educate her, including which EVM performance measures you would educate her on. Provide a rationale for your selection of topics. 

Question 2:

· Through your work in the assignments, you have now delivered the project to your customer ahead of schedule but slightly over budget. Now it is time to reflect on what went well and what didn’t go so well. Based on feedback you received throughout the course, what would you have done differently in terms of scope, resources, and schedule, and why? 

Discussion – Give one specific example of something

Capstone Discussion

1. Give one specific example of something you felt was beneficial in working in this team. 

2. Give one specific example of something you felt negatively impacted the overall team experience.

3. Suggest one specific, practical change the team could make that would help improve everyone’s learning.

Management – Components of Human Resource Management


Components of Human Resource Management

An exhibit in your course text readings this week introduces the key components of an organization’s human resource management process and examines eight activities in three areas that, if properly executed, will staff an organization with competent, high-performing employees. They are:

· Identification and selection:

. Strategic human resource planning.

. Recruitment and downsizing.

. Selection.

· Adaptive and competent:

. Orientation.

. Training and development.

· Competent and high-performing:

. Performance management.

. Compensation and benefits.

. Safety and health.

Every member of management will have some human resource duties and responsibilities.

This week, please share your thoughts related to which of the components and activities are most relevant for a manager trying to solve retention and hiring problems. Here are some ideas to get you started:

· What are some examples that illustrate the components and activities that are most relevant for a manager trying to solve retention and hiring problems? How do those relate to both short-term and long-term goals?

· Discuss how the relevance of components and activities vary depending upon the time frame (that is, short-term versus long-term recruitment) for execution.

· Why is effective management critical to the role of recruitment, selection, and retention?

· What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest related to your professional development and/or academic journey?

How Great Leaders Inspire Action – What are two important points

DP 4: How Great Leaders Inspire Action


  • Use the first sentence of each paragraph to identify the question or prompt you are addressing.
  • Do NOT write out the prompt/question before addressing it!


  • What are two (2) important points being made by Mr. Sinek in his talk? Do NOT tell us what the video is about (we all watched it); simply tell us what 2 key points you learned from it.
  • Reflecting on your own purchasing habits, discuss how the principles presented by Mr. Sinek relate to you personally as a consumer. Provide a specific example of a time you were influenced to make a purchase because a company used these principles.
  • If you were marketing yourself to a company during an interview, what would be your personal sales pitch, WORD FOR WORD, based on the principles presented by Mr. Sinek? One or two concise sentences will work for this.