Discussion – Vicki L. Ruiz, The flapper and the chaperone

Vicki L. Ruiz, “The Flapper And The Chaperone”

Discussion prompt:

Consider this weeks readings (Vicki L. Ruiz, “The flapper and the chaperone”) in the ci text of our lecture on Great Migrations and The New Women. How were the experience of Mexican-American teens different from Anglo teens? How were they similar? How did Mexican- American girls push back against their families and gain independence? 

HIST103 Discussion 4 – Discuss General George Washington

HIST 103 DB4



Answer only ONE of the below questions:

  1. Discuss General George Washington (as commander of the Continental Army)
  2. Why was the Battle of Saratoga important?
  3. Who was John Paul Jones?
  4. Who was Baron von Steuben?
  5. Who was Abigail Adams?
  6. What was the Battle of Cowpens?
  7. Explain the significance of the Battle of Yorktown.
  8. Who was Mercy Otis Warren?
  9. What was the Treaty of Paris (1783)?
  10. Who was Dr. Benjamin Rush?

History – The Early Christian Church remains


3. The Early Christian Church remains a topic of on-going interest. In addition to the documents for the course, also consider, “The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus,” (http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/text/diognetus-roberts.html) and Clement of Alexandria’s Stromata, (https://www.newadvent.org/fathers/02101.htm). How did the Early Church relate to its broader culture? What did it share with Greco-Roman culture, what did it reject, and what did it transform? How does this help us understand the growth of the Early Christian Church?

History – The section on the Roman Empire provided


2. The section on the Roman Empire provided accounts from Augustus, Nero, and Marcus Aurelius. This should also consider an account (again, from Suetonius) of the Emperor Domitian, (http://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Suetonius/12Caesars/Domitian*.html). How do these various documents demonstrate both the ideals for Roman Emperors and their practice? How did Emperors both shape and respond to culture in the Empire? How do you assess an institution in which these four emperors (among many others) were in charge?  

History – Although Socrates never wrote anything



1. Although Socrates never wrote anything, his ideas were captured and communicated by his student, Plato. You have already read a selection from Plato’s Republic. Also consider the document “The Defense of Socrates,” (https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13726/13726-h/13726-h.htm) in which Socrates defends himself when he is on trial for his life before the Athenian assembly. How do these documents trace out a vision of Socratic philosophy? What is the goal? What is the method? In what ways might the philosophical approach still be of value today?