History And Background Of Autism

History And Background Of Autism

Discuss the importance of understanding the history and background of autism and how it has impacted ABA treatments for autism and the general guiding philosophy of ABA programs?  What has the history of autism taught us about pseudoscience like refrigerator mothers?


Discussion – Your manager has informed


Primary Discussion Response  

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Your manager has informed you the company needs to consider small businesses as part of the contract solicitation process. Your company has just recently been asked to perform services for a government agency and consideration for small business participation in your company’s subcontract awards will be part of your company’s proposal to the agency

Using information from an Internet search on small business administration, discuss the benefits of considering small businesses in government contract solicitations, including the following:

  • What benefits can be expected by your company if small businesses are considered in the subcontract solicitation process?
  • To what extent will adding these requirements mean additional costs will be incurred in administration and reporting of compliance?

Chapter 5,10 – Why are puppet traditions found in so many cultures

Ch. 5

  1. Why are puppet traditions found in so many cultures? 


  1. Why have clown characters existed across time and place?  What purpose do they serve in society?
  2. Why do you suppose artists reacted so quickly against realism in scenic design?  What factors influenced the notion of modernism?
  3. Is it important to maintain the traditional designs of performance traditions?  Should artists help uninitiated audience members understand the significance of design elements?  If so, how might they do so?

Cultural Assumptions – Reflect on John Henry’s chapter Magic

Cultural Assumptions

In a two- to three-page journal, reflect on John Henry’s chapter “Magic and the Origins of Modern Science” about the role of superstition in the origin of modern science. It can be shocking to learn that many of the “founding fathers” of modern science such as Isaac Newton believed in astrology, alchemy, numerology, and other pseudoscientific practices. How does the history told by Henry change the way you think about science generally and the founding fathers of modern science specifically? How were the cultural assumptions about science different during the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries than they are now? What might be some similarly superstitious ideas that have influenced scientists in the 20th and 21st centuries that future generations might be surprised by?

RES8921 Discussion 3 – Hypothesis Testing


Discussion 3: Hypotheses

Hypothesis Testing

Refer to your Huck text and the chapter titled, “Hypothesis Testing” (or some other source) and then provide the following information:

Based from the variables you presented in the second discussion write a Null and Alternate hypothesis.

  Ho: Null

  Ha: Alternate

The Huck text chapter on hypothesis testing offers many different examples of null and alternate hypothesis. Once you’ve stated your hypotheses, then read the final section of the chapter, The Meaning of Significance. Discuss whether or not you think the tests of your hypotheses may be significant in casual everyday language and in terms of statistical significance.