Chapter 5,10 – Why are puppet traditions found in so many cultures

Ch. 5

  1. Why are puppet traditions found in so many cultures? 


  1. Why have clown characters existed across time and place?  What purpose do they serve in society?
  2. Why do you suppose artists reacted so quickly against realism in scenic design?  What factors influenced the notion of modernism?
  3. Is it important to maintain the traditional designs of performance traditions?  Should artists help uninitiated audience members understand the significance of design elements?  If so, how might they do so?

There are several elements related to privacy and technology

Human Resource Systems

There are several elements related to privacy and technology that need to be considered when implementing an HRIS.

As an HR manager, how you will address potential security risks on employee data, third-party access, or organizational data for a proposed HRIS? Choose one and describe in detail; include the controls recommended to address these concerns.

Federal Healthcare Agency – Choose a federal healthcare

Federal Healthcare Agency

Choose a federal healthcare agency (e.g., CDC, FDA, NIH) and discuss briefly how it promotes or contributes to public health.

  • Then, picture yourself as a manager at the agency. What managerial function that you have been introduced to would you use to promote one of its missions? Why? Support your ideas with facts and details about the organization.