Science II – Current Topics on Environment Issues

Science II 

Assignment 1: Current Topics on Environment Issues

Select one of the environmental issues below. Write an essay presenting the information related to the topics. You should present the following information and place illustrations and videos that clarify the information:

· What does it consist of?

· What causes it?

· Impact on the environment

· Current situation

· Mitigation measures

Topics to be assigned:


· Climate change

· Depletion of the ozone layer

· Acid rain


· Erosion

· Desertification

· Solid and hazardous waste


· World water crisis

· Cultural eutrophication

· Saline intrusion


Often warning signs or red flags are shown by potential attackers

Plus questions


Often warning signs or red flags are shown by potential attackers before any violent events even occur. List and describe several of the red flags that may lead to campus violence. Also analyze the role of BITs in responding to these incidents.


With any intimate relationship comes conflict.  What matters most in a relationship is how conflict is resolved.  Do some research on conflict resolution other than what you have read in our textbook.  What additional information can you provide that would help to promote conflict resolution.


There are many different issues affecting food service today, from consumer issues about health and nutrition to a trend toward no tipping and increased minimum wage to issues involving the fallout from the 2020 pandemic. There are industry organizations that work to lobby and advocate for their members. One such organization is the National Restaurant Association.  

It is important to stay up to date with industry issues. Take a look at the issues and advocacy page on the National Restaurant Association’s website. Take some time to read through some of the topics on the advocacy page and the policy agenda page. Choose one issue to explore more fully.

Find and post a link to an article from a source outside the National Restaurant Association that focuses on that particular issue and explain how and why the industry issue is impacting more than just restaurant employees or owners.

What does this issue mean for the future of the restaurant or foodservice industry?


Never has a disorder received so much attention, research and discussion as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).  It seems as if the more we learn about the disorder, the more we need to learn.

What factors account for the high prevalence of rates in ASD among children today?  What are some current treatment methods for Autism?  Support your discussion with research and not opinion.



In a crisis situation, media are powerful; how the press responds to a given situation has a great deal to do with how the public responds. Thus, what should public relations practitioners do when they speak to the media?


do a brief internet search for a continuity plan and offer your suggestions about what is good about the plan or what could improve the plan.


Obviously, social media has a place in marketing for higher education, but do you think it has a place in the classroom? Please view the link below and discuss your thoughts on the ideas discussed. Do you think social media can be helpful or detrimental in a classroom setting? Please explain your reasons for your answer.

12 Ways To Use Social Media For Education


After reading this article and watching the video. Answer the following.

Discuss the fallibility of memory and the controversy surrounding repressed memories. Think about the limitations of human memory involving eyewitness testimony in court. What kind of implications do particular limitations of human memory have on the use of eyewitness testimony in criminal and civil court cases?


Snyder v. Phelps , 462 US 443 (2011) involved members of the Westboro Baptist Church picketing at the funeral of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder.  Please read the decision by clicking on the case name.  Review the facts of the case, the issue, the Court’s decision and consider whether or not you agree with the court’s legal reasoning. During the oral arguments, Justice Scalia questioned the applicability of the “fighting words” doctrine enunciated in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire , 315 U. S. 568 (1942). Despite Scalia’s discussion, the doctrine was dismissed in a footnote in the majority opinion and barely mentioned in the concurring opinion. Please watch the video ( , then address the following:

Find another case that utilized the “fighting words” doctrine and respond to the following:

· Please define and explain the doctrine.  

· Could (or should) it have been applied in the additional case that you reviewed? 

· Is there another analysis that the Court could have made which would result in a different outcome? Do you agree with the outcome of this case?  What is the difference and/or similarity between the free speech case that you found and the Snyder v. Phelps case?  


Sentencing philosophies and models are created by legislatures and imposed by courts. However, it falls upon our nation’s correctional institutions to administer the punishment defined by legislatures and imposed by courts.

In your initial post, compare and contrast determinate vs. indeterminate sentencing models. Of the two, which do you believe is more effective in reducing recidivism rates? 


Choose one health care provider or setting and explain it as though you are training a new employee about your topic of choice.


There are numerous federal laws that regulate the United States Healthcare System.  Select one of the federal laws/policies that you learned about this week. Provide an overview of that law and explain what ethical principles influenced the creation of the law. Briefly describe the protection law provides regarding the American people’s rights.