Management Chapter 9,10,11 – In what ways might artificial intelligence


Chapter 9:

1. In what ways might artificial intelligence incorporate bias into its decision-making? Explain. Please provide details.

Chapter 10: 

1. Describe the three bases of authority identified by Weber. Is it possible for each of these types of authority to function simultaneously within an organization? Discuss.

Chapter 11: 

1. In which of the four cultures described in Exhibit 11.4 would you prefer to work? Why?

Thermodynamics Paper – the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics Paper

The students will write a research paper on the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics. This paper should include: what the first and second laws are, the 4 types of thermodynamic processes and how they relate to the first law (and which processes do Work), perpetual motion machines and how they relate to the second law, one implication of each law, one way each law impacts your everyday life, and a bibliography .

Week 4 – Many businesses will often work with overseas

Week 4:

Many businesses will often work with overseas companies as a lower-cost alternative to build their products. Search for information for starting manufacturing operations overseas.

Respond to the following in a minimum words:

· As a project manager for this type of project, what takeaways can you gather?

· What risks can you identify? How would you communicate these risks and work with your stakeholders?

Cite your sources in APA format so your peers can reflect on the same article.


PHYS2425 – Create at least 3 different types

Lab Report Phys 2425

 The assignment is to write a lab report on the following experiment:
Create at least 3 different types of paper airplane designs (make sure they have different wing lengths, shapes, paper types, etc. Be creative!)

Fly each design 3 times and record how far it flies (trying to throw them the same way and with the same power)

Why did some fly farther than others? (Research and think about Bernoulli’s Principle or something else you can think of)

What could you do to increase the distance? (Maybe a floor fan blowing? Different type of paper? Changing the angle or power you throw? Something else?)