Chapter 5,10 – Why are puppet traditions found in so many cultures

Ch. 5

  1. Why are puppet traditions found in so many cultures? 


  1. Why have clown characters existed across time and place?  What purpose do they serve in society?
  2. Why do you suppose artists reacted so quickly against realism in scenic design?  What factors influenced the notion of modernism?
  3. Is it important to maintain the traditional designs of performance traditions?  Should artists help uninitiated audience members understand the significance of design elements?  If so, how might they do so?

HIS315 Week 4 Discussion – Compare the literary description

Week 4 Dis1 His 315

Reading: [Nigerian author Chinua Achebe]  Things Fall Apart, Part 1 (Chapters 1-13, p. 3-125) and Excerpt from {Elie Wiesel’s}  Night (in Constellation text, Ch. 6)

Viewing: Schindler’s List (students should be able to borrow the DVD from their local library) [You may also locate it using other sources.]

Discussion:  Compare the literary description of the holocaust in Elie Wiesel’s  Night with the cinematic portrayal of similar events in Steven Spielberg’s  Schindler’s List.  Is literature or cinema more powerful in depicting the [Jewish] holocaust?  Why?  Cite specific scenes from the film and specific lines from the reading to support your claims.  How do you think filmmaker Claude Lanzmann would answer this question?  Why? 

What do you think Lanzmann would say about Wiesel’s book?  Once you have a clear understanding of the issues about Holocaust remembrance, you may want to apply the same reasoning to history in general.  Is the holocaust unique in its ethics of remembrance, or does the same reasoning apply to all history?  Is literature or cinema a more appropriate tool for depicting historical narratives?

Behavior Management Philosophy Presentation

Behavior Management Philosophy Presentation Assignment Instructions

For this assignment, you will articulate your behavior management philosophy by creating a presentation on your beliefs and practices for addressing whole class and individual behavior management in your current or preferred classroom environment. The presentation should be designed for an audience of a recently assigned co-teacher or paraprofessional who will be collaborating with you in your classroom (current classroom or preferred). The presentation should include:

1. Class Description (current or preferred)

a. Grade level

b. Number of students

c. Exceptionalities represented, including a discussion demonstrating an understanding of how exceptionalities may interact with development and learning.

d. Other diversity represented, including a discussion demonstrating an understanding of how language, culture, and family background influence individuals’ learning within the classroom.

2. Philosophy of Behavior Management:

a. Clearly articulate your philosophy on whole-class and individual behavior management and discuss the research and theory informing your beliefs.

i. How will you create a safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive environment that fosters positive social interactions and individual well-being? 

ii. What are your beliefs about the relationship between motivation, behavior, and academics?

iii. How will you explain/define the concept of “fairness” in your classroom?

iv. How will you set up your classroom, and how does your philosophy inform the physical layout of the classroom? 

3. Core Components 

a. Classroom rules

b. Classroom procedures

c. System of rewards and consequences (tiered)

d. Record keeping system

4.  Collaboration

a. Explain how you will communicate and collaborate with other educators (e.g., co-teachers, paraprofessionals, other teachers (e.g., art, music, etc.), and related service providers to ensure consistency and implementation fidelity across settings.

5. Communication

a. Explain the system for ongoing communication between school and home about individual student behavior. 

b. Include an example of your initial letter home to parents briefly explaining:

i. Your behavior management philosophy.

ii. How whole class and individual behavior will be addressed in the classroom.

iii. How information about student behavior will be communicated throughout the year.

6. Laws

a. Summarize the laws and policies that impact decisions about students with disabilities including IDEA, FAPE, MDR, and LRE. 

The presentation must follow current APA formatting standards and include a minimum of 20 slides and at least five references/in-text citations.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

Comprehensive Literature Review – Now that you have successfully

Comprehensive Literature Review


Now that you have successfully determined the potential steps to take when preparing and writing a comprehensive literature review, it is time to put some of your readings into action. 

1. Using a selective database (e.g., ERIC or ProQuest), you are to follow steps 1 through 4 in the text and collect a minimum of 10 specific articles, dissertations, books, white papers, etc., that may support your topic of interest that you presented in the earlier modules. 

2. Explain briefly how each selected reference supports the topic chosen for the research discussed during the first module.

3. Using the examples found in the online link to Annotated Bibliography, you are to create at least 10 references as your assignment.

4. Be sure to include each summary rationale as to what each selected reference adds to further knowledge on the subject.

You are also expected to share where any specific reference either supports or refutes another reference that has been included in the prepared Annotated Bibliography. Be sure to carefully follow the proper APA format rules when listing the reference before adding your descriptive information. 

For each bibliographical reference, provide a summary description of 150-200 words. Focus your description on the who, what, when, where, why, and how of the study.   


Assignment Expectations

Length: 1500 – words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner. 

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. 

References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least ten (10) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Format: Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx).

Filename: Name your saved file according to your first initial, last name, and the assignment number (for example, “RHall Assignment 1.docx”) 

HIS315 Week 4 – The Ethics of Remembrance

Week 4 Assignment His315

The Ethics of Remembrance

Documentary filmmaker Claude Lanzmann has accused Steven Spielberg’s film  Schindler’s List of trivializing the holocaust by attempting to represent what cannot be represented. Philosopher Richard Kearney defends  Schindler’s List in his essay, “ Narrative and the Ethics of Remembrance ,” arguing that narrative representation is essential to cultural identity.

In two to three pages (excluding title and reference pages), argue your own position on the representation of the Holocaust. Can the Holocaust be represented in a way that honors the unimaginable suffering of the victims? Be sure to defend your view against the objections of the opposing side. Cite Kearney, Lanzmann, and other authors, as appropriate.

Additional Resources to Complete the Assignment:

· The Craft of Argument Student ResourcesLinks to an external site.  (

· Guidelines for Incorporating QuotesLinks to an external site.  (

· In-Text Citation GuideLinks to an external site.  (

Carefully review the  Grading RubricLinks to an external site.  for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.