week 2
In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to become reacquainted with hypothesis testing concepts. There are two parts to this assignment; submit both parts in a single file.
Part I:
Please respond to the following questions and prompts using this week’s assigned resources.
1. What is hypothesis testing?
2. Discuss the statement “The sample must be representative of the population.” In your discussion, be sure to include the concepts of generalizability and sampling procedures.
3. In hypothesis testing, there are some errors that could be committed if the wrong decision is made regarding the null hypothesis. These errors are Type I and Type II errors. Please describe each one of them, and provide an example when you are committing a Type I and/or a Type II error.
4. Discuss each of the three main assumptions for parametric statistics. Include in your discussion which of the variables will be tested for the assumptions, the independent, or dependent variable.
a. Describe and explain the assumption of normality. How could you test for this assumption?
b. Describe and explain the assumption of independence.
c. Provide an example of a statistical analysis where homogeneity of variance is important.
Part II:
The small dataset in Table 2 is the same dataset from Week 1 based a study conducted within a single middle school. Recall that, fundamentally, this study is a comparison of the differences between male and female teachers in personal Confidence Scores and was conducted to determine if a relationship exists between the number of Years of Experience and Confidence Scores. The researcher wants to examine if the variables years of experience and sex would be significant predictors of confidence scores.
Table 2
Sex, Years of Experience, and Confidence Scores
Sex Years of Experience
Confidence Scores
Male 15 110
Male 3 117
Female 12 118
Male 8 120
Female 23 104
Female 9 100
Male 37 107
Male 14 115
Male 10 114
Female 4 115
Female 11 115
Male 1 100
Female 3 117
Female 7 115
Male 2 103
Female 21 125
Male 28 115
Female 9 115
Male 5 110
Female 3 110
Open the dataset confidencescores.sav (located in this week’s resources) or type into SPSS the data presented in Table 2. Once the dataset is open or the data are typed into SPSS, conduct the following tests:
5. Conduct the appropriate test (Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Shapiro-Wilk’s) for normality, and provide the results and a brief discussion of the results (test used, test results, p-value, etc.). Be sure to discuss if the assumption of normality was met or violated.
6. Please conduct the test homogeneity of variance and provide the results and a brief discussion of the results (test used, test results, p-value, etc.). Make sure to discuss if the assumption of normality was met or violated.
Length: Complete responses to all parts of all six questions and prompts across both parts of the assignment. Please include the question prompts along with your responses in your assignment submission. In addition to a WORD (.doc) file with the answers to the assignment questions, also include the output (.spv) file. (NOTE: SPSS automatically generates the .spv file as you work in SPSS. When you close your SPSS main window, SPSS will ask you if you want to save the output file. Click ‘yes’, then save to your computer and upload with your assignment.)