KINS256 – Fluids, Electrolytes & Environmental Challenges


KINS 256 – Fluids, Electrolytes & Environmental Challenges

Provide a response to the following prompts. You are encouraged to work with your classmates, but each group member should submit their own unique work. Once you have completed your worksheet, submit via Canvas.

1. Discuss the role of electrolytes in maintaining proper hydration status during exercise.

2. What are the physiological causes of activity-related dehydration? What factors could increase a person’s likelihood to experience activity-related dehydration?

3. In what ways can dehydration impact aerobic activities? Anaerobic activities?

4. What is hyponatremia, what would lead to this occurring in an athlete, and what are the immediate side effects of this?

5. Tyson is a basketball player. He weighed 185lbs prior to his 2-hr. practice. During practice he sipped on about 10 oz of fluid. Following his practice, he weighed 182 lbs. What was Tyson’s sweat rate? Did he consume enough fluid during his practice? How much fluid should he consume following his practice?

6. Assume you have an athlete working on improving endurance before their football season begins. Their sessions last about 90 minutes and are at the higher end of moderate intensity. What would your hydration plan for this athlete be? Consider what you would ask him to do before, during and after exercise to optimize hydration.

7. What is thermoregulation and what physiological mechanisms does our body use to do this? What factors influence the ability of our body to thermoregulate?

8. How would you expect a person’s performance to be impacted if exercising in the heat? What about in the cold? What about at higher altitudes?

9. Define acclimation and acclimatization for environmental challenges (heat, humidity, altitude etc.) and discuss their role in performance.

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