Research Paper Project/Presentation – Fundamentals of Nursing

Research Paper Project/Presentation

Fundamentals of Nursing


***All written work should be in APA format. Refer to APA website.

APA Format (double spaced, 12 font, 1” margins and in-text referencing including page #s, etc.)

The research paper: This project is designed as part of your preparation for the RN role. It is an opportunity for you to teach, and to learn from each other.

The first page of your research paper should include;

1. One learning outcome directed to the audience.

2. A summarized Outline of your paper presentation.

The body of your research paper should include Risk Factors of Obesity (1 page), Signs & Symptoms of Obesity (1 page) Pathophysiology (1 page), Treatment (1 page), Education (1 page) with the accompanying poster/s. All written work should be according to APA format guidelines (i.e. typewritten in size 12 font, New Times Roman and double spaced, etc.)

No thesis or abstract statement needed. The conclusion should include in your own words a selfassessment as to how this teaching project will help you personally in your caring practice.

• References. Should be a total of not less than 7 references. Attributes: Must include: 3 references which are peer reviewed current nursing articles (within last 5 years)

Additional sources must be included in your Annotated Bibliography. – Not all topics acquired from CINHAL and OVID are from nursing journals and written by nurses

• Annotated Bibliography.

Each entry in the Annotated Bibliography should include two components:

a. A brief summary of the article.

b. An evaluation statement as to the usefulness of this article in your research paper.

There are 2 parts to the annotation:

c. Ex. 1. This article explains the accurate measurement of BMI.

d. This is a valuable source for this paper or informative but too in-depth for my research.

***All written work should be in APA format. Refer to APA website.

APA Format (double spaced, 12 font, 1” margins and in-text referencing including page #s, etc.)

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